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He wants us to be twins so bad

young_stepmomma25's picture

My fiance has a 14 year old daughter whom he swears wants to be like me *gag* It's all in his head, his little fantasy. It's sickening because everything I do, he'll say "Wow, you & (SD14) are just alike". EWW! Any time she does something he'll also say "your daughter, you handle her" WHAT?! The teenage brat is an annoying & disrespectful little human that doesn't get along with me well but in his little fantasy, I'm mommy to his "precious daughter". Is there anyone else going through that with their spouse? Him wanting a little you in his daughter? *Cringe*

SM12's picture

My DH keeps trying to push YSS8 on me as well. Out of 3 SS's, YSS is the only one who actually admits I exist in his world. DH constantly tells people "YSS follows SM around like her little buddy" Seriously dude?? You have no freaking clue!!
This kid does not follow me around constantly. The fact is, I am the only person who acts as if HE exists. DH ignores him the entire time he is here and lets him play video games from the moment he comes until bed time. The perfect electronic babysitter in DH's eyes. DH also likes to say that YSS always asks where I am if I am not home when he gets here. Again...thats because I am the only person who interacts with him. And to be honest, its very little interaction. I make sure he is fed, bathed and not doing something to harm himself. Part of me feels bad for YSS and figts disengaging from him but the other part of me says "not my problem".
Men have this fantasy that you LOVE their children as much as they do. By saying your SH is "Your daughter" he is getting some type of emotional boner from it. The last thing he wants to hear is "NO SHES NOT" But in your may be just what he needs to hear. Next time he makes a comment like that tell him "No, if she were my daughter she wouldn't act like that". He will be pissed but he will get over it.

AllySkoo's picture

"DH, you keep comparing me to SD14. Knock it off. I find it BEYOND gross that you would want to find so many similarities between your daughter and the woman you have sex with."

EvilAngel's picture

Christ on a cracker! My DH used to do this shit. "Thank your mama" "We love your mama" "You can call Evil mama" NO you most fucking certainly CANNOT call ME mama!!! I am NOT your mother and don't even think of me as such. I am your father's wife...

SweetMom's picture

Yes! I have been and still going through something similar. At first it was BM copying everything I'd do, then the looks. It creeped me out and sorta pissed me off because the way she would flirt with him like trying to win him. After I set boundaries I haven't seen her in a couple of years but then the daughter started copying my ways and sayings. Now I'm dealing with an 11 year old acting like she is my equal. Thinking we should take turns sitting by my husband. The other day I saw a photo of her posted online where she died her hair blonde. She wears clothes like I do. When I'm in other room I have noticed her sitting in my spot mimicking me. She called my husband a big boy the other day and I said gross, h said wtf! So he caught it too. Now she is texting him mornings before he goes to work saying have a nice day daddy and love. And at night, some strange actions on her part lately. As far as my h saying your daughter too. I'd set him straight because she has a mother.