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"Helicopter" Parenting Article

Angel_diablo's picture

Interesting read for those of you dealing with a Disney Dad/Mom.

Ninji's picture

Lol, SO makes Skids bring walking talkies with them when they go to the kids house on the same street. SS is 9 next month and is too afraid to learn to ride a bike. They r afraid of a lot of stuff.

luchay's picture

You wanna here insane helicoptering?

Ex-OH was having a whine the other day when he came to pick up the tent... about living in a caravan.

It rained all last weekend }:) how sad....

And he had the skids.

And SS11 needed to pee during the night, so OH had to drive him to the toilet block so he could go. Only he couldn't leave sd14 alone in the caravan sleeping (locking the door never occurred I guess?)

So he woke her and all three drove the couple of hundred metres (ok guessing as obviously I've not seen the place) to the loo....


I acted all sympathetic, but my mother and I wet ourselves laughing about it later. How ridiculous. Ok - I get the driving SS there as it really was VERY wet all weekend, but WTF is with having to drag SD along as well.... did he leave her in the car? Take her into the mens? Did they all use the ladies?

Boggles the mind.