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god2b_me's picture

I am at the end of my rope and ready to SCREAM!!!! My SS who is 17 was arrested for underaged drinking TWICE within a week last December. He is now on probation and by court order has to see a drug and alcohol counselor until she is convinced that he doesn't have a problem. (This, by the way, costs me and my husband $150 for EACH visit.) My husband thinks that these sessions are really having an impact on the boy, however I was informed by a close friend of the family that SS has pictures posted on a social networking site of him drinking and smoking with captions underneath boasting about how "high" he stamped ONE WEEK AGO!!! I look it up and show his father who then confronts him about it and he tells his dad that we are so F-ing stupid and need to mind our own F-ing business. My husband gets angry but does nothing about it...says he can't help it because the kid won't listen. I am FURIOUS!!!! Friday SS's probation officer calls my husband to ask how things are going...and HE LIED and told the PO that everything was going great that SS was getting good grades, going to school everyday, working two jobs, and staying out of trouble! Every single part of that is a lie!!!! We just got mid-terms his highest grades are D's, he gets to go back to school tomorrow after being suspended for 5 days for two unexcused absences, he is dangerously close to being fired from the only job that he has because he is constantly calling off, and obviously he is still drinking! I called the PO today to tell him the truth, because I am tired of SS setting a bad example for his brother and my BS and getting away with it. The probation officer calls him for a meeting, drug tests him (it was dirty...PO tells him to clean up and he will test him again in 3 weeks so that they have a clean one to submit to the judge), confronts him about the pictures, grades, etc..., and then proceeds to ask SS why he thinks that his step mother would want him to get into trouble. Of course that leads to SS coming over and telling his father that I went to PO today. My husband EXPLODES and also allows his son to yell and swear at me. (My own doing, I guess, but I honestly believed that I was doing something for the greater good.) PO also called my husband wanting to know why I was causing problems!!! Sooooo not only has the little bastard gotten away with breaking the law AGAIN, but he has also gained an upperhand. Tomorrow I am supposed to have a meeting with the city attorney with regards to SS's behavior and lack of compliance. I am not sure if I should go through with it! My question is....have I overstepped my boundaries or am I warranted in doing what I'm doing so that the other boys do not get the wrong ideas about breaking the rules???? ANY and ALL advice will be helpful! Thank you!!!!

Timetogiveup's picture

SS needs to be put into a program or out on the streets the day he turns 18. In the mean time I would have a chat with the PO's supervisor.

god2b_me's picture

In a perfect world his parents would realize that they are doing more harm than good by lying to keep him out of trouble, and they would give him a dose of reality. Unfortunately they spend too much time blaming each other for the child's misbehavior to understand that he is using this to his advantage. It's MADDENING!!!!
I have decided that I AM going to keep my meeting with the city attorney, and I am going to get into contact with the alcohol counselor. What do I have to lose at this point? My husband is already angry with me...
Thanks for your support!

Timetogiveup's picture

My "brother" had a lot of problems with his son, drinking, stealing, school issues, fighting etc. He is a single parent and BM has refused to see the kid since he was 13, he is almost 17 now. His dad spent a ton of cash on legal fees to save this kid's ass and he lied to the PO about etc. Then the kid took his classic car out for a drive and the hood flew open and bent (the kid thought he wouldn't notice it), the kid got burnt for something else, his drug test came up dirty. My brother threw in the towel, stopped the lies, just said take him. He was in JD for a few months for whatever he got burnt for. Now he is in a group home and going to public school....getting good grades. He became a different kid. My brother said he seemed to have his act together, has a plan for the future (that doesn't include jail) and he is a new kid. He has only been home twice for a day or two in the past year....the real test will be if the kid comes home for a week and hooks back up with his buiddies. My brother said this was the hardest thing he ever did, he thought he was doing the right thing by lying and covering up for the kid, he said he now wishes he stopped sooner because stopping the bullshit was the best thing he did for himself and the kid.