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Step2be's picture

BM is now constantly calling the police to say we have done this or that. Does there ever come a point where the Police say enough is enough? Every day this week there has been some new thing. She is sending the police over when we have the kids to "Check on their welfare" at 10:00 at night. She has filed injunctions of harassment so I can't be around the kids when they are to stay with us, forcing me to move out of the house for the weekend. This person is crazy.....How do you fight crazy? I have never touched these girls other than to hug them. Her jealousy is the only thing behind it. There has to be something that can be done to prove that all these claims are just malicious bull!!! Has anyone had any success putting a clamp on someone like this?

Sita Tara's picture

But hopefully someone will help. Does BM have full custody? If not, then ask your DH to get SKs to a therapist. If BM does have it then call your lawyer right now. I'm telling you I know a man who's ex succeeded in having him prosecuting for sexual abuse and he never saw his kids again. I have known him for years and he is remarried and has another family now. It still haunts him that his ex convinced his daughter to lie about him. (His ex SIL was the psychologist who was mysteriously able to bring the accusations out of his daughter right after he got engaged to my friend, and asked for more visitation.)

This is serious. This woman is obsessed with ruining you. There is no way without proof she should be able to force you to leave your house when her children are there. That's just loony!

Peace, love, and red wine

Nani Sue's picture

Unfortunelly the police have to look into any call that concerns children, I hate to say this, but your only recourse could be to hire a lawyer and file counter charges on her, mainly for making false reports to law enforement and harassment/discrimination charges. Maybe she will step off then. Stand up for yourselves.

ColorMeGone2's picture

Also, if you have the $$$ and are willing, there are plenty of social service agencies that you can contract to do an evaluation of your home and your fitness to be around the children. We had to do this when my husband adopted my son. I think it was around $350 and it was a piece of cake, just a couple of interviews and an in-home visit. No biggie.

♥ Georgia ♥

"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)

smurfy1smile's picture

Talk to a lawyer or try getting a retraining order on her to stop harrassing you and so you can be in your home during parenting time. You having to move out of your home is nuts. Dad should leave with the kids so you don't have to leave your home. Since BM obviously has a problem with you, I would go for a harrassment order and maybe that will stop the police visits. Too bad BM doesn't understand the peter and the wolf story.

Sita Tara's picture

Just caught what I'm sure is a typo on your reply smurfy...but was hoping it wasn't.

Where do I get a "reTRAINing Order" for BM?!?!?!??!

Now THAT would be worth the lawyer's salary!

Peace, love, and red wine

smurfy1smile's picture

Something to watch for in the future.

no validation's picture

taking her to court for slander? you could probably do all the paperwork yourself and BM would have to get an attorney to fight it. It may stop by just filing the papers. Include all the police reports and start kepping a log. If DH is standing by you on this and is fed up as well, he could co-file the papers with you!

Nothing comes easy thats worth fighting for.....thats what they tell me!

Most Evil's picture

on DH . . . that is why we can't live anywhere near her unfortunately, there is nothing she won't do to try to ruin his career, finances, reputation, relationships. You are right, it is an obsession!

"Fortune favors the brave" - Virgil

Step2be's picture

Thanks everyone for your comments. Being a stepparent is definitely a labor of love! I am going to get a consult on filing charges against her for harassment!

Step2be's picture

Thanks everyone for your comments. Being a stepparent is definitely a labor of love! I am going to get a consult on filing charges against her for harassment!

skyisfalling's picture

Something like this happened to us last year. FSD3 got in trouble by FH for not wanting to get out of the pool but he never laid a hand on her, she threw a tantrum and he told her to sit in a chair or she would get a spanking. That was it. Following weekend, BM called FH @7 a.m. saying she would call the police and child services on ME for hitting her children....WTF? Just because I was there doesn't mean I contributed in discipline or did such a thing. I was the one that stayed out of it and let FH handle his DD. But yet, I got blamed. I know exactly what happened. FSD said something like "I got in trouble" and BM said "Oh, did **** hit you?" and definitely FSD usually agrees to everything because she strives for attention. But BM definitely put words in FSDs mouth like she always does. SO yeah that's my crazy story with that. She never called the police or anything. She makes me so angry.

If I were you I would definitely talk to a lawyer. Good luck.

"For the love of herself, she acknowledged her worth."

Step2be's picture

I sent an email to the Police Department through their website regarding all of her reports. I actually got a call back from a Detective who said he could see that the police were being used in this. He went to her home and informed her what can happen from filing false reports and if he sees anymore he will be prosecuting. So far we haven't heard a peep from her. Finally a muzzle has been securely fastened to her vicious, lying mouth! HURRAY!