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My husband and I have been married for almost a year and I am at my wits end!!! He has a son from previous marriage SS8 that lives with us part time only. I have my own son from previous relationship BS10 that is with us full time. Together we have a 10 month old son that I care for full time as well while taking classes.

The problem is my SS8 (of course!). He goes to school at BM's district which is 45 mins from us. DH started working long hours and cannot shuttle SS8 back and forth every other day due to his hours. So, he expects me to do it. At first I was glad to help, but it did not work out since it conflicted with BS10's school schedule and our baby's routine. Plus the BM & DH is so frustrating with lack of communication. I started feeling like the kid's taxi service and having to deal with their lack of co-parenting.

My DH and I always fight because of this. He said he never gets to see his son because of ME! I told him, he has a mother that takes care of him, a stepdad of his own and grandparents in the area that can pick him up! I have to care for my two kids with minimal help and you expect me to drive 45 mins to pick up SS8??!! It got so bad...I considered leaving him (we also had other arguments about SS). I feel so overwhelmed about the back and forth and lack of structure SS8 has when he comes into our home. I never ask DH for anything for my my BS10, I do everything....and he rubs in my face, "Well I pay the bills, so you have to watch/pick my son up at his moms".

I feel pressured to do something that is not my responsibility and painted the bad guy....I am so exhausted and need advice.