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His ex and pregnancy

sammysue5's picture

:? Hi, need advice . Ok so Dh ex we could tell she was pregnat for how long! Oviously didn't say nothing to her but we knew! We have his kids Sat night like usual and take them back the next day. He gets a call from a mutual friend of theirs that she put on fb she had a baby and didn't know she was pg! What a total lie you could tell. So his kids gets this just thrown on then no time to adjust at all. Now we are seeing even more behavioral problems with them the oldest says they get no attention at all now and she tells them the baby has no father the Grampa is the father

SweetMom's picture

That's her business and it will be all on her. The kids are going to have issues regardless of the situation. You or your h can not control his x and her house hold. If your h see's it being a problem mentally on them and affecting their life then he can get them into counseling and remove them from their environment if it's affecting the kids but the fact that their mother is a ding ding will always be.

omgstop's picture

"The Grampa is the father?? What backwoods hamlet does she come from???"


Seriously that's what I was wondering...then I could only think of Uncle Grampa....I think I need some the Grampa really the dad or is her father, (the skids grampa), acting as the dad?

Lemonlimez's picture

And I could see that happening to someone who was kinda large and hadn't had kids before, but she has kids. I call BS, she's just looking for attention but it's probably not going to be the kind she wants.

Abby L's picture

It must be hard for the kids to adjust to a new baby sibling like that. I'd definitely talk to them about it and encourage them to be open about how they're feeling. It might help them behave better if they get everything off their chests.