Holiday Gifts
Hi All...
My first post here.
I am wondering how things operate with gift giving to birth parents in your situations.
We started off with DH and BM buying each other gifts "from the kids".
I took over the responsibility for buying the gifts for DH. I take the
kids shopping and pay for the gifts to give to him from them. When we
informed BM that she was no longer to get gifts, that I was taking
that over, she got angry and said "but I don't have anyone to buy for
me. What about my gifts?" She isn't remarried but has been dating the same man for 15 months now. He actually gets along with the children
better than I do. Her parents also live in the same town. She is also
very specific about what gifts she wants providing a list. Home made crafts don't cut it for her.
Should it be DH responsibility to buy these gifts for holidays and birthdays? He is a man of little financial means and I simply refuse
to spend any of my money on this woman who has been nothing but a
menace in my life. The children have no allowance to pay for their own gifts because they have no household responsibilities and I feel allowance should be earned.
I also find it confuses the children. Last Christmas they were under
the assumption that the gifts to DH were from not only them but BM too.
I was just wondering how the rest of you handle this since Christmas is just around the corner. Let the stress
Thanks guys for any insight.
If the kids want to go shopping for their mom....
then I would take them. I have allowed SD to buy a birthday and Christmas present for her mom in the past but only when she asks to. Sometimes she gets stuff at school when they have a holiday shop there with little trinkets. Two years ago though SD gave me a "mother" sun catcher with a poem about how much she will always cherish our relationship. When BM asked if she got her anything at the Secret Santa shop SD said, "There wasn't anything there you would like." Meaning due to the cheapness of the stuff. BM is all about people spending money on her.
Since then SD has not asked to buy her things regularly. But when she does I let her. A lot of that has to do with the fact that I was single for 5 and a half years while my exH moved in future SM within months of the divorce. My sons' SM took them shopping for me (still does now and then, even with DH to do it for me now.) And I started giving them a family gift at Christmas. I was really simply....touched that she reached out that way. For those BM's and SM's just starting out, these things can make a huge difference.
On the other hand if SD's BM finds out I did something nice she freaks out...hmmm... more motivation to do it! Sometimes taking the high road has its own reward in a low road kind of way!
Peace, love, and red wine
I hate this issue
it has been a huge argument for my fiance's family. I think that as his fiance i should purchase gifts for him. His ex and his mother both took the kids shopping and left me with no opportunity to help them with shopping for him last year. The problem is that they picked out CLEARANCE items and wrapped them and the kids had no say in what was purchased.
I was so upset that he finally got up the nerve to tell them that I was going to be responsible for making sure the kids got gifts for their dad from them. My point of view is that it is no longer his ex-wife's job to buy gifts for him and it is no longer his job to buy gifts for her. However, if the kids discuss wanting to buy a gift for any member of the family, we go, give them a budget and let them choose the gifts. In our situation the biggest problem is getting them to speak up and say what is on their minds. I feel it is the job of their mom's family and boyfriend to make arrangements for the kids to get her gifts, not mine or my fiances, especially since she returned or bitched about nearly every single gift my fiance ever bought her during the course of their relationship. (i.e. - she gave the ipod he bought her the previous Christmas to their daughter wrapped as a Christmas gift the following year...)
anyway, this has been a sore subject for me. sorry to rant.
I think that if the kids ask, you should get a gift allowance from their dad to pay for a gift. If they want to do extra work (above and beyond normal chores)around the house to earn more to buy a nicer gift well, they could do that.
(That is something that has been effective at our house)
I don't Force the Issue
For a year or two I bought a card for my BSons for their father's birthday but that was never reciprocated so I stopped doing that. I never extended myself in their name for their father on Christmas especially after the one year my Bsons were scrambling to get gifts together for ExH Ho girlfriend and her litter of children but he has never encouraged them to treat their BM with any respect. He's always had issues with his own mother, I should have seen the writing on the wall when it came to teaching his own children.
I never lifted a finger or offered for my SD. I sat back and watched every DH birthday, Father's Day and Christmas and nothing came his way from his BD. Sad, but if she was a remote fraction more pleasant, maybe I would made an effort.
Sorry. I am, truly, bitter for more reasons than i can mention.
I appreciate all the responses and insights on how you all
handle this. I know it is always complicated and the sad thing is
that it always will be. We have put ourselves in these situations that
seem hopeless most times. I don't think it is worth the effort most times but then a glimmer of hope shines through. Who knows...this may be the last Christmas that I put myself through this. I am a good person and have lots more to offer than what I get back. I hate to sound selfish but it's true...
Thanks again