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Holidays are coming fast!

mixedemotionsaboutstepdaughter's picture

It's almost that time of year again. DH will pick SD7 up for Halloween to go Trick or Treating, because BM won't take her. She never has.

Then, Christmas will be here before we know it! I've always loved Christmas, especially when my boys were little. But, now that they're grown, I don't find the enjoyment in it that I used to. I don't. DH and I usually go shop together for all of our kids, but I used to LOVE to shop for my boys. Now, it seems more like a chore.

And, I just know SD7 is going to bring that STUPID Elf on the Shelf doll to our home again this year! I can NOT stand that ugly thing! I asked for it to be left at BM's house last year, but no one listened. DH said it's just a doll and it's for SD7! He doesn't understand how much I detest dolls of any kind, and it's just creepy! I PRAY she doesn't do it this year, but I just know it's going to happen. YUCK! LOL

mixedemotionsaboutstepdaughter's picture

I just find them horribly creepy! Seriously. Even as a child, I found dolls very creepy! I loved stuffed animals, but not dolls. The way Elf on a Shelf looks with it's eyes sideways...creeps me out! I know it's just a doll...I just prefer that it stays at BM's! LOL

mixedemotionsaboutstepdaughter's picture

First of all, I was just expressing my opinion. Second, I married him because I love him! Third, I don't care if SD7 has dolls...but I won't play with them with her! She actually thinks it's funny that they creep me out and she tries to scare me with them. It's not a big deal. But, that stupid Elf needs to stay at BM's!

mixedemotionsaboutstepdaughter's picture

Not even giving it a second thought. DH is my soul mate! I know that with every ounce of my, it's all good.

Voodoo Elf! Now, there's a novel idea! Smile

Frustr8d1's picture

...And another petty criticism on Steptalk from HRNYC. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want ANYTHING from BM's house to show up in my house. Especially a creepy Elf. It might bring a disease with it.

mixedemotionsaboutstepdaughter's picture

Banning to the room...good idea! Smile And, I have seen some of those pictures of the naughty Elf on the Shelf...really funny! I like the one where the Elf is being roasted on a spit by the Abominable Snowman! GREAT STUFF! Smile

Orange County Ca's picture

I've read about mysterious unsolved murders in home where elves were residing. Don't go to sleep.

mixedemotionsaboutstepdaughter's picture

Oh GREAT, Orange County Ca, thanks for that tidbit! LOL Now I'll REALLY be praying it stays at BM's this year...or, they conveniently forget about it altogether! Smile

mixedemotionsaboutstepdaughter's picture

I agree! Smile

mixedemotionsaboutstepdaughter's picture

Not a Grinch at all. I just don't want the stupid doll in my house. And, I agree with others...not my tradition, not my problem. If BM wants it done at her home, then the Elf can patiently wait one night a weekend until SD7 returns to it.

My definition of a soul mate may differ from yours. So, there's no need in my trying to explain my feelings towards my DH. All I can say is that HE treats me the way I feel I deserve to be treated, unlike my exH did. And, as long as we (DH and I) are happy, who cares?!

mixedemotionsaboutstepdaughter's picture

I just pray it doesn't come this year. Hopefully they misplaced it at BM's! LOL Smile

mixedemotionsaboutstepdaughter's picture

My post was meant to bring some form of humor. Hence the LOL at the end. I figured I'd get some good laughs out of others who maybe share the same feelings. It's not that I have a fear of elves, it's just that doll is creepy! LOL! It just needs to stay at BM's.

Calypso1977's picture

kids should behave regardless of whether its Christmas. that's personally why I think the Elf is stupid. I mean the overall message is "be good so you get gifts". you should be a good kid all the time not just because some stupid Elf toy is "watching" you.

we have SD13 for thanksgiving this year. Barf. we never have her on Christmas, only Christmas Eve.

Disneyfan's picture

It seems kind of mean to put a damper on something fun the SD and her dad enjoy doing. Especially since you did fun thmm mmings during the holidays with your children.

I think both the elf and pickle things are silly. However, I wouldn't try to stop DF and his girls from enjoying them.

mixedemotionsaboutstepdaughter's picture

It's not a DH tradition, though. BM sent it last year. DH is just a big goofball kid himself sometimes, and thought it was cute. I played along with it last year, but they all knew how much I really disliked the crazy doll. It's not a tradition in our home. I think it needs to stay at BM's.

mixedemotionsaboutstepdaughter's picture

As long as I don't have to see it, I'd probably be ok with it. Smile But, I'm hoping it doesn't appear this year! LOL

WTF...REALLY's picture

Instead of Elf on a shelf...make it Elf on a rope....hanging by his neck on the mantle. He got depressed being in a box all year, only to come out have have to spy on kids. He wanted to be a fire fighter but Santa was being an ass and made him be a once a year spy. Elf just could not take it any more. Plus he had to much egg nog that night, adding to his depressed state. Sorry SD7.

Too much???? Lol

mixedemotionsaboutstepdaughter's picture

Thank you for the LAUGH!!!!! I like the chew toy idea, too!!!!! We do have a Boxer that likes to tear things up!!!! HMMMM...MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! }:)

Ooops...I guess the Dog didn't like it know, dogs are really good judges of, there must've been something seriously wrong with that elf! }:)