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How do I make him understand that we're a "WE" and not a "he and I"?

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My BF is so frustrating. He was alone for 2 years after the divorce and we've been together for 2 1/2 (living together in the same state for almost 2) but he still feels the need to try and handle everything himself and not talk to me about things. We were doing better there for awhile but now I've had some health problems come up so he's been keeping things from me. I found out about it last night & called him on it. We got into a big thing and didn't speak for the rest of the night. He thought I was being nosy by going through his phone - which he handed to me so that I could get all of the text messages from BM forwarded to the text message website. I'm the one that busts my ass to make sure that messages get forwarded with the correct date and time to make things easier for him. I'm the one that writes a letter for him to send to BM, telling her that she's got to knock off the controlling behavior, etc, etc. I know I'm sick and still waiting for test results but I'm not an invalid. For him to keep things from me makes me feel worse. How can I get it across to him that we're a team 100% of the time, not when it's convenient for him? If he has a problem with BM, why isn't he talking to me about it? If he's worried about my test results, why isn't he talking to me about it? I'm tough and he knows I can handle it but he still takes everything on himself. AAAARGH!!!