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How often should ex be calling to speak to their kids?

markwvualum's picture

My wife’s ex husband (my step kids bio dad) has called my wife’s phone every single night knowing we are all on vacation to speak to his kids before bed. Honestly I find it annoying and invasive but since he’s their dad I let it slide. My wife will hand her phone to the kids when he calls and half the time they don’t even really seem to care he calls. I haven’t said anything to her about it but should I let it go? You think he was going for father of the year by doing this but the guy is a subpar father at best if you ask me. Do you think it is normal he calls like this? Just to add he doesn’t even take his kids on the days he is supposed to and never has them overnight. He sees them a couple of hours a week for dinner and that’s it.

justmakingthebest's picture

Many people have it in the custody agreement that they are allowed nightly calls. I have it in mine with my kids, we have it in the order for SS. This is a let it go thing... 

Areyou's picture

If it’s not in the custody agreement you should tell the ex what you’re comfortable with. We had to tell BM to stop bothering the kids while we are on vacation with them. She was inserting herself during vacations because she couldn’t stand her children and ex  spending quality  time with another woman. Little does she know I can’t stsnd her kids.

hereiam's picture

Does he usually call every night or is he just doing it because he knows you are on vacation?

FedupAJ's picture

I get irritated when my DHs ex calls my SS10 daily even though she's seen him hours prior. I've learned to just roll my eyes. The conversations are the same thing and pretty pointless and my SS doesn't seem to care if she calls or not but it is what it is. And I know that she is only calling to act like she's MOTY. I wish she would actually focus on making my SS do things he should when she has him than call to see how his day was. *rolls eyes*    It sucks but it's something you need to accept unless your DW has an issue with it. 

Sotired345's picture

BM is in constant contact. One hour after H picks her up from school she calls him “did you get her?” I can’t imagine how she’s be on a vacation with that being said. He never takes them over night but calls nightly?? You’re actually right to be pissed off. Why doesn’t he take them over night?  Only a couple of hours a week. Wow is all I have to say about that.

marblefawn's picture

That's ridiculous.

It's not as if the kid is away with strangers. I read about a lot of bios calling every night or often. When the kid is at the other parent's house, the kid is with a parent. There's no need to check up and interrupt their time like that, especially if on vacation or if the visits are just a couple of nights.

These poor kids never get a break from the power struggle. It's a shame.

Elizski's picture

I have the same problem with my husband and his ex wife. They call every day, even when SS5 just left the other's house 3 hours prior. 

Ive told him its over the top considering we have him 50% of the time and he's not missing them by any means. Half the time SS ignores them because he'd rather watch TV. My husband just says they're calling to say goodnight and he's "a baby" so I'm being unreasonable. 

 I just decided there are bigger issues to worry about considering the kid is a complete nightmare. I'd rather save my complaints for all the other issues.

stepmominhiding's picture

If you instruct them to go take the call to their room,  it won't interfere with you so much.  Tell them to call between x:00 - x:00 time