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I am busting a gut and I just HAD to share!

AmIWicked's picture

So, my husband and his ex are Court Ordered to ONLY use Our Family Wizard to communicate,...

BM has not yet realized how her shenanigans are going to look in front of the judge once we accumulate enough to make it worth while.

But here is the best part! The last screaming voicemail she left on my husband's cell phone ended with,

:? "Ever since that Bitch came into your life, All we've done is f#@king fight! We got along GREAT BEFORE!" :jawdrop: :O

When my husband played that out loud the first time we both could not stop laughing!!!

"Yeah" my husband said, "we got along GREAT before you, NEVER fought, It was heaven every day. That's why we are still married, oh, no wait, we have been divorced for six years! Why God Why did we get a divorce if we got along you f#@king great?!!!"

We could not stop laughing!! Biggrin

Orange County Ca's picture

Perhaps she's referring to the period of time after the divorce and things settled down but before the Bitch ruined everything.

"Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned,"
William Congreve (24 January 1670 – 19 January 1729

AmIWicked's picture

Haha, well thanks for the faith, brother. However, unfortunately that is not the case.

libra2libra83's picture

Oh I love that line that BM constantly spews out. "We always got along and could work things out. Now that you have a girlfriend, you won't work with me at all." I'm sorry if I insisted that they get a CO before I would consider dating BF just to try to keep her crap down to a minimum. Getting along and agreeing to work together did not mean that BF gives BM everything she wants all the time.

sbm014's picture

I love comments like this. Especially when BM will say "You know if it wasn't for her we could be a happy family" luckily she hasn't said it in a while - but it doesn't seem she remembers from what I've heard DH giving her chance after chance and even volunteering to do overtime on the boat to give her time to finish cleaning the house with help of SMIL. Or maybe she doesn't remember him getting home at 2 am (planes typically land 11:45-midnight and we live a good hour they lived hour/hour and a half from the airport) from work after her saying she couldn't pick him up to his bags being on the porch, holding most of his stuff hostage and changing the locks while he paid ALL household bills since he knew she didn't have a job, and that's the reason she couldn't get back CS that she tried to claim at mediation.

I love how people truly have distorted realities.

FTMandSM's picture

Oh I got the "me and SO are friends and you are just going to have to deal with it." Really friends? Do friends treat each other like crap. BM used to hold SD over his head when they first broke up. She didn't drive at the time and she wouldn't let him see SD unles he took Bm to the doctor, to the movies, to a concert, anywhere she wanted to go. And I'm going to have deal with you guys being friends. HAHAHA! I think you are going to have to deal with me dating your ex that you are still obviously in love with (at the time). Needless to say I pushed him to get a CO because she used to threaten to keep SD away from him if he didn't do something for her. She used SD to try to get close to SO. I Hate threats, SO got a lawyer and got a CO. Thanks for playing BM, you loose.

It's so funny how they think things were soooo fantastic until WE came along. It's amazing how they trick themselves into believing this.

QueenBeau's picture

BM used to pull this with my MIL.

She called & cussed MIL out one day, saying MIL didn't tell her SD was going to visit her after the wedding (DH & my wedding).

DH had already told BM. He called & asked BM what was up, she said "Well YOU yelled at MY MOM before." Basically admitting she did it just because she's crazy. MIL has high blood pressure & doesn't need crap like this stressing her out.

A day or so later she called me trying to chit chat. I told her I was not going to 'shoot the breeze' with anyone who disrespects anyone in my family, including my MIL. She pulled this "Well 'MIL' & I had a relationship BEFORE you came along so WE are going to keep TALKING. We have ALWAYS been CLOSE"

um people who are "CLOSE" don't cuss eachother out just because. She was a bully to MIL & MIL took it because she felt sorry for her & was afraid she could somehow keep SD from visiting her & FIL. However, she has since learned better.

AmIWicked's picture

Yeah, I wish I could post the voicemail on here, but she says the kids names ... otherwise I wouldn't hesitate to show the crazy...