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Why is the world always out to get BM?

AmIWicked's picture

HC BM had been quiet recently,...for a long time. OSD has been communicating with her directly making less conflict for DH and I, (although OSD is now seeing the real BM).
So skids live with us FT, BM EOWE visitation.
Recently DH has invited BM to do special events at the school with the skids ALONE - meaning without DH and I so she can see them more. (She got to be the parents sitting next to SS at the meal for SSs sports banquet at school, DH and I came after the meal and sat in the back to watch the awards.)
He let SD19 take the younger two to the other grandma's on his weekend to celebrate March birthdays,(more time for BM). All 3 skids had conflicts last weekend on BMs weekend and DH offered to switch weekends so the skids could do their commitments without missing time with their mom. (More time for BM.)
So. DH thought he could ask for skids to come home early Sunday (4 hours) so they could attend their 4 year old cousin's birthday party-skids want to go.
BM said no problem.
SS just got off the phone with BM and said BM blew the hell up at him that he has play practice til 8pm Friday night. So BM won't see him Friday night, then they are leaving early Sunday,....AND she is going to a thirty-one vendor event Saturday-
So SS should not go to play practice and instead come see her Friday night.
(The play is in 2 weeks and aparentpy they are not ready.)

I probably shouldn't have, but I told SS that he can do whatever he wants to. BM has been getting lots of extra time recently and she shouldn't be making him feel bad for a commitment he has made.
On top of that, BM is the one who decided to sell thirty-one and make all these other commitments which she had to know would conflict with her visitation weekends.

I don't know if I'm being petty,... but I would have thought she would be greatful for extra time, not nickle and diming the kids for having a life.
I guess the High Conflict part of her isnt over

Acratopotes's picture

Dh was kind enough not to stick to the CO, and BM is not demanding.... Oh boy this is the quickest way I will fall back onto CO....

saying to BM: I gave you more time and now you demand it, like it's stipulated somewhere, you take it as we have to and not that we granted it... sorry bitch, we are back to CO...

ChiefGrownup's picture

What is thirtyone?

And to the subject line of your post, why is the world out to get bm? I imagine it's the same reason it's always out to get my sd. In 12 years of public schooling she never ever had a group project where the other kids were anything but terrible, awful, out to get her. Huh. 12 years. How 'bout that. <---sarcasm alert.

AmIWicked's picture

Thirty-one is basically a pyramid scheme, but a little nicer.
It's like Pampered Chef, Mary Kay, ItWorks, Sentsy, Pure Romance.

A woman sells these bags, household organizers, coolers, etc... to other women in their homes where they invite their friends, then their friends host parties for their friends.
It is best to recruit other women to sell under you so you get a percentage of their sales also, but the market in one area gets really saturated, really quickly.

BM has been doing it a year on top of her regular job, so the only time she can do it is to make these "parties" on the weekends she has the skids.
The girls Sometimes go with her, but they have said BM uses it as a "look-at-me-fest" SS wants nothing to do with it.

ChiefGrownup's picture

BM here has tried more than one of those. When we married she was doing Origami Owl? Little necklaces? Some people really like them but BM never did much more than give them to people. I'm sure she lost money on it. Haven't heard about it in a long time. She has maybe 2 "friends" in her whole life and one is a certified hoarder (CPS came for her kids cuz of too many cats in her home) so no party there. And no parties in BM's home, either, it's pretty awful there, too. So I don't know how she thought she was ever going to pull any of this off. Dh has told me about other things she tried to when they were still together.

Sadly, my husband's brother has been doing one of these mlms for the last 3 or 4 years. He's worked his tail off for it. But, of course, has little to show for it.