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I don't get it

SweetMom's picture

I'm just ranting about financial status and I don't know how the hell other people do it. My home we live in is paid for and has been for a while, it's a fixer upper but some would say nice. My husbands house he had prior and paid off while married is a fixer upper too. We both worked hard the last year prepping it to sale like paint and fixing broken things. It's on the market and we both have big plans on buying some property and building our dream log cabin with him a shop and eventually a pool but we don't want to go in debt as we are indebt in credit cards, braces for his daughter which isnt much and just about have two other things paid off. We have been watching our friends add onto their homes and build huge extra buildings and rooms onto their house. This one friend that recently filed bankruptcy build her a Extravagant outdoor kitchen with the fire pit and all the works. I mean I'm talking their things look like something g you'd watch on Netflix on million dollar rooms, I'm sure they didn't put a million in theirs though. BM just got her a new home in a real uppity neighborhood, new huge house. I got mosey and zillowed it and saw how much it cost, 300k. Now this is the same lady that sends her kids to school in rags, takes clothes we buy back to store to get money back, never fixed her daughters teeth that had 8 black cavities, her and her husband can't keep jobs. I am happy for the kids but wtf! We had to buy extra dental floss, picks and those special strings for dental floss for my std we got braces for because BM could t afford it. This is the same lady that ask do for child support in advance all the time because her vehicle about to get repo'd. I really don't get it. We told sd13 that we are going to get some land and build after we sale and she said she'll be grown by then, talk about making me feel like shit.

Rags's picture

Don't sweat BM's obviously eleveated debt level. No more early payment of CS or participating financially in anything not specrifically called for in the CO. CS is the NCP's participation in the support of the kids and nothing else should be provided beyond CS unless specifically stipulated in the CO. If the NCP wants to give more then they should give it directly to the SKids in the form that the NCP prefers.

Obviously BM is not caring for the kids as is evidenced by their ragged clothes and rotten teeth. If she send them to your home in rags... take pics, call CPS, have them examined for health, hygiene, and dental issues as soon as they arrive in your care and let CPS nail BM to the wall.

If her car is a rolling pile of crap that is not your DH's problem, if her home gets foreclosed that isn't your DH's problem either.

Keep up your financial diligence and eventually you will be living the dream and BM will be living under the local highway overpass. Idiots allways get bit in the ass in the end. And if they haven't gotten bit in the ass... it is not the end.

Ongratulations on you and DH each having a fully paid for home. That is a notable accomplishment.

Good luck.

Icansorelate's picture

i taught my kids years ago, when they came home impressed by someone's big house and stuff, that they were probably in debt up to their eyeballs. I would rather be debt free and able to sleep at night than try to impress the Joneses. I probably do not even like the Joneses.

Acratopotes's picture

I don't get it either lol......

but I discovered, people with huge debt get more debt very easily from banks, cause they are credit worthy..
people who has little or no debt and does everything within budget and safe to do cash are not credit worthy :?

I think banks are there to sink people and eventually take over their lives and send them to live under a bridge sleeping on a carton box, instead of teaching them how to save and invest

Rags's picture

We have always been able to get piles of credit. Even when we owed a ton of credit card, school loan, LOC, car notes, and mortgage debt.We were burried in debt but we could make our payments and did. We would occassionally get a new credit card offer with high transfer balance limit and lower interest rates so we would pay off higher interest debt with lower interest debt leaving our available credit use lower but our actual debt the same which just kept driving our scores higher. We finally hit critical mass and had to quit going down the credit black hole. When we got serious it took us more than 10 years to get everything paid off except for our home mortgage but that has been rented for 6+ years and is a performing asset with the added advantage that someone else is paying off our last debt.

IMHO access to credit comes down to how well debt is managed, understanding how credit scores work, and always making the payments on time. A better model is to not borrow anything except for a home mortgage or car note. Other than that if it cannot be paid for with cash it does not get purchased. That said we use a lot of credit same as cash programs for larger purchases like appliances. Many appliance sellers have a deal with credit companies to offer 18mos same as cash with zero interest. If someone is going to offer you free money then take it. Just make sure to pay it off a couple of months early to avoid the interest accrual penalty that comes if you go over the interest free repayment period by one second.

Don't envy people who live above their means. Few of them have positive outcomes in the long term.