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I fight with husband today

Thao_lost's picture

Thank you everbody for write to my letter here. You are good women. Very good.

I fight with husband. I just too tired for this now. I told I not going to cook to his children. No more cook after his girl treat me bad again before her friends. He so mad at me. I not care right now. He drive to get burgers , I cook for me. His girl she already so fat. She 16 and explode out of clothes. Not nice to look at. Say Thao eat the next door dog to friends. Maybe Thao say she eats too much of food be mean and shame?
I sorry. So sorry. That not nice thing saying.

Thank you tell me that children mother go to jail for touch my mail. I fight with husband about that too. He American so he know that and not tell me. Thank you. Thank you not make fun of my writing. You good women.

Boy come home so he get computer to play. He killdragon all time with witchs. It stupid play.

I am go now. Thank you.

BSgoinon's picture

I sorry you are fighting with your husband. Hopefully you can sit down with him and have a calm conversation so you can come to an understanding. His kids needs to respect you and so does your husband.

Keep your chin up Thao.

emotionaly beat up's picture

You are right to be hurt upset and angry, your husband should be ashamed of his children. Do not cook or clean or look after his children if they cannot show you respect. You owe his children nothing.