i told him that his youngest is a brat (in so many words) and it's his fault - now he won't talk to me
I told the off/on again bf that:
I am sick of him scapergoating his oldest son (age 6) and blaming him for every goddamn thing.
Yet, his 5 year old son can't do any wrong. If the 5 year old falls, he blames it on the 6 year old. Etc. Also, when the 6 year old does bad on his homework, he will ask the 6 year old "Is this how your mom taught you". It's just bullshit.
The 5 year old acts like a 3 year old most of the time. The other night when I babysat, the 5 year old threw himself on the floor THREE times and cried for hurting his pinky. Wahh wahh wahh. And then he blamed his brother for it. I told him to stop lying.
And then I told BF what happened. That the 5 year old is starting to see that it's ok to blame the big brother...because that's what daddy does.
I then told him his oldest son will likely never talk to him when he is of age. And his youngest is going to grow up an entiltles brat who thinks the whole worls owes him something.
he said "stay away from me and my kids". What was so wrong with what I said???
He's right, stay away. You
He's right, stay away. You don't need all the BS and drama that this man and his kids will cause in your life. Get out now, while you still can.
I'm not sure why you keep
I'm not sure why you keep talking to this guy. He's messed up, his kids are or will be lost causes soon, you guys broke up.
He wouldn't listen to you when you were going out. Of COURSE, he is not going to change anything now.
Quit wasting your time talking to this loser.
"now he won't talk to me" Why
"now he won't talk to me"
Why are you concerned about this? Did you actually break up with him or not?
xoxoxo everyone. I babysat
xoxoxo everyone. I babysat because he asked and I couldn't say NO. I miss his oldest.
Why am I hurt by his "leave me and my kids alone" comment? Because it hurts. it makes me feel like a monster.
you are still very
you are still very emotionally invested in this man and at least one child. You need to take time to heal. It's COMPLETELY understandable and VERY hard, but don't answer any of his calls, don't listen to his texts, if you have to say goodbye to the oldest then do it. But you have to break free and by continually engaging and keeping contact you can't fully break away.
Ask your girlfriends and family members to really rally around you and encourage you. If you feel the need to call or talk to him, call one of them first. Do something to keep yourself busy, join a book club, learn a new hobby, hang out with friends, be creative.
We have all been where you are and know how hard it is. Just stay strong!!
He sent me an email after I
He sent me an email after I told him how I feel about his 2 kids and his parenting that said:
"go away. Don't talk to me....don't talk about me. Pretend I never existed. Because that's the way I feel about you"
That HURT.
Whatever X-BF does, it still
Whatever X-BF does, it still sucks when you worry and care about the kid. Maybe when the oldest boy gets older, you can check up on him, in as non-creepy a way as possible.
You are so right and this
You are so right and this situation is so sad. I think you feel bad because you know that without you in his life the 6 year old will be completely alone. Remember that you did the right thing, and that this guy is a horrible and thin-skinned parent. :sick: You did nothing wrong. Of course if you really love this guy and by some miracle the relationship is salvaged, it would do a lot of good for the older son to have you in his life o even things out. But do NOT beat yourself up over it if the relationship is through, as it seems.
I would'nt be reticent to babysit for him though, you can give the older kid some much needed TLC and ignore the stupid brat, and when the father asks what happened; take a page from the 5 year olds book and lie .
I totally agree with the statement above (from thefunmommy) check up on the oldest boy when he gets older. He's unlikely to get creeped out as you are a woman whom he might remember and you know about details of his life.
I've seen this before and know how these things turn out; very sad
I wasn't comforting enough.
I wasn't comforting enough. Remember your a good person, with lots to offer. You simply said what needed to be said! I know it HURTS. I've had my heart broken too. You may need to give yourself time to mourn this relationship, but as Zerbinetta from "Ariadne auf Naxos" said- "the best way to get over an old love is to find a new man"- but I'd add that it couldn't hurt to find someone without kids I can send hugs too! *HUGS galore
Hes as mature as his youngest
Hes as mature as his youngest kid and its best if you stay away, for the sake of your sanity.
^^^^ I agree
^^^^ I agree