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I'll take the cruises!

MadeMyBed's picture

I'll admit it; there are times like many of you on here, when I can get jealous and resentful of the life we are living as SMs. Sometimes when DH is lamenting about how "bad" SKs have it, I'll just burst out with "Oh yeah, they have it soooooo hard! They have always lived in beautiful home(s), have had a ski vacation home, have been taken around the world and on cruises at least once a year (by BM), SS16 doesnt have a job and doesnt seem to have any motivation to get one and why should he? hes getting a car handed to him. And both SKs are all set on college tuition-no student loans like me!"
And DH will respond with "they dont care about all that, all they ever wanted was their family to be together..."
Boo Hoo, I'll take the cruises! Wink
When my parents got divorced when I was 16 my mother, sister and I had to move across the city into a crappy apartment and my dad had to go live with his mother. My car was a wreck bought from my mom's friend's son for $500. And Im still paying student loans and will for DECADES to come.
So, I reiterate: I'll take the cruises!!

wriggsy's picture

There's a tear in my beer
Cause I'm crying for you dear....

(don't remember the rest of the song..sorry)

I don't feel sorry for thankless skids either. So what if "all they wanted was their family together". When my daughter was younger and said something about "I wonder what it would be like if you and dad were still together", I told her that life would be miserable. I was very honest. I told her that we get along a lot better not being married and therefore, she is the proud owner of a much happier and healthier life. I always want to tell DH "Stop being guilty for wanting a better life for yourself and your kids you big bozo!"

MadeMyBed's picture

Its true, kind of a "be careful what you wish for" thing. I dont think any kids would want their parents to stay together if they hated each other and were miserable.