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I'm leaving work early to meet BM and spend some time with my soon-to-be SS8..

ReadySetNot's picture

I'm not sure if this is going to be a good idea or not, but my FH is out working on the boat he wont be home untill Monday, so I thought that since neither of us have seen ss8 in three weeks bcause of our hectic work scheduals I would speak with my boss and see if I can get out early tonight and have tomorrow off. My boss said yes, so I gave BM a call and asked her if I could meet ehr somewhere today and pick up ss8 and drop him off at her place tomorrow. she said yes. I made a plan to take ss8 to the Boston Childrens museum of science tomorrow. I let BM know this and she said it was ok, should I get her permission to take her son out of state on a peice of paper?? Tonight I have a backyard expedition planned, basically we are just goling to set up the tent make a fire and cook some hot dogs and smores. I think this will be a really good experience for the my ss8 and I to try to 'bond'. But i'm wondering if i'm just setting myself up for failure...

emmalee05's picture

kudos to you for trying to bond with your SS. I think its a great idea but for you to also know the potential pitfalls that could happen. It really depends if you have spent time alone with your SS before? It's a great idea to take him to the science museum but you should also know that kids, especially skids are not likely to be very grateful to you. The cookout is a great idea but keep in mind that he might be asking for his dad the entire time...I've had that happen sucks. But as long as you don't expect much in return for all the effort you are putting into your'll be fine!

Rags's picture

the Skid.

As for written permission from BM. NO! This is DHs time and you are transporting. DH can do what he wants, where he wants with whoever he wants when it is his kid time including not seeing the kid at all and having the kid stay with someone else.

This is exactly what our Son (My SS) lives through for 7wks a year. Getting dumped with SpermGrandMa and used as a baby sitting service for his younger 3 out-of-wedlock half sibs. Out of 7wks of visitation per year (5wks Summer, 1wk Winder, 1wk Spring) he sees his BioDad an average of 10 days a year and usually only for a few hours at a time. We filed a complaint about it with the family court and were told NOT YOUR TIME NOT YOUR PROBLEM. I paraphrase of course but that was definitely the message.

So, take the kid where ever you want and do what you want.

Have Fun.

Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)

Orange County Ca's picture

You're asking if you need it in writing. She's obviously cooperative with you so the answer is no. This is little more than a neighbor taking a neighbor kid to a outing. A state line won't change anything


It may be that 50 years from now the only important thing you did in this life is to be important in the life of a kid.