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Im looking for a counselor

Someoneelse's picture

But Im not wanting to do a virtual visit, it seems like everyone is doing virtual visits! Does anyone have anyone input on if they like in person or virtual counselor visits? I just feel line i may have to be careful if sd or dh might overhear. If i go into my bedroom, the livingroom buts right up to the bedroom wall. The walls are paper thin, i can hear DH on the phone from the livingroom.  It's not that i hide things from DH, but id feel bad if i bad mouth sd to the counselor without a filter and DH overhears. 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Can you sit in your car and still have signal (if you have a car?)

Also, from my experience, a good counselor is good in person or over the phone. A bad one is bad in person or over the phone. The one i went to was young and had this child-centric love-fest everyone gets along kids first mentality. Idk if an older one would have been different but i won't select one younger than 40 from now on because of that. 

BethAnne's picture

I've done quite a few virtual visits with medical professionals over the last 6 months or so. Being overheard has been a concern of mine sometimes with more personal matters and I understand your reluctance. I had a virtual visit with a new psychiatrist this week and I feel that if it had been in person it could perhaps have been more benificial, I might have been able to open up some more or she may have been able to get a better sense of what was going on and been more helpful. Building a relationship virtually is tricky. 

Having said that if you need the help from a councilor then do seek it out and if virtual visits are all you can do for now then it is better than nothing. I would still try to choose someone local to you so that you can go to in person visits when they start offering them.

I like the idea of using your car, you could even combine it with a trip to the grocery store and sit in the parking lot or something if you didn't want your husband to know you were talking to someone. Feeling like you are in a safe space to share what is really on your mind is important in order for any therapy to be effective. 

Someoneelse's picture

That's what I'm afraid of, but i do a weekly grocery trip, so i could sit in the parking lot fot a bit before i go in! 

strugglingSM's picture

I have been going to virtual visits, but had already worked with my counselor for about 8 months before starting those, so not sure how I would feel starting with virtual visits. When DH was out of work due to COVID-19, it was awkward to have virtual visits, especially since no matter how many times I told him not to bother me, he would always be making noise in the background or walking into the room where I was. 

One upside to the virtual visits, is it does make it easier to schedule them, because I don't have to factor in travel time. 


simifan's picture

I know the libraries here have boosted their wifi signals and have it available 24/7. There is even designated parking spots for wifi.

Rags's picture

Make a great cup of coffee or even a frosty adult beverage, put together an aroma therapy brew, make sure your car is clean and fresh, and attrend your virtual session from your air conditioned car.  All you need is good cell coverage and you can attend session from just about anywhere.

Don't focus on what gets in the way of getting help, focus on getting help.

Be good to you.

Someoneelse's picture

Thank you! I have an appointment scheduled for Saturday at 8!