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It's been so peaceful since sd has been away for college

Someoneelse's picture

Since sd has gone to college this year there's been zero fights... only minor annoyances because my daughters are old enough to see past so much of the BS. This past Christmas she didn't get DH or I anything for Christmas (I didn't expect anything from anyone, but it SUPREMELY bothered youngest DD because she was wanting everyone to split a nice present even if sd just paid a small portion).

****I don't mean to offend anyone with this next part, so if I do, those are not my intentions. I believe everyone has the right to their own religion. Nobody's religion is more right than anyone else's.*** 

Sd changes everything about herself based on the whim of who ever she's focused on. She was majorly into Taylor Swift one year,  theater the next,  Harry Potter the next, twilight was the next,  then cottage core, then into witchy stuff (Tarot, incense, spells etc)... this year she's into Christianity... this is all great if she was ACTUALLY into this stuff because she liked it, or was actually interested in it. She has her sights on a boy (or just anyone she deems important so that she could climb the social ladder), and what ever he likes, she transforms herself into... and even this I could care less about... but now she calls us to tell us that she's getting baptized (which IMO since I know she's not really in it for anything more than to attempt to attract the attention of either a boy, or someone that she'll use to climb the social ladder seems really disrespectful to the religion) , she wants us to do everything we're doing to go watch her get baptized.  And she called my daughter who it's also away at college full time and has a full time job as well because she has an apartment she has to pay for,  who is athiest, and wants her to drop everything to come watch her get baptized...  


I really just think that she misses being the center of attention and wants to make this a big deal and everyone needs to come watch her... I'm sorry... but no... she's not that important to me, I  honestly couldn't care less about it... but I hate being dragged into her attention seeking ways.  It reminds me of when she was younger and would scream out "watch me watch me" and do some stupid "trick"that would be something like standing on 1 foot when she was 8yo (that's literally a milestone you're supposed to reach at 3 or 4... great job *insert eye roll*)


Thanks for reading my vent post

Survivingstephell's picture

We had something similar happen with YSD.  She got re-baptized last spring.  We went but stayed back and left after DH spoke with her.  We had our own church to attend.  She was baptized Catholic as a baby but this new church recommended that she do it again because then it would be her choice and mean more.  (Basically her mother was behind it , just another way to wash away or discount  from her father).  We did not make a big deal out of it.   

I suggest just watching then leaving.  Be there but just observe. No present, no celebration none of that.  

notarelative's picture

Rebaptism is not uncommon in churches that only baptize adults by immersion. What I'd be concerned about is, if she and this boy stay together, that she starts urging other family members to join her at this church. There's no one more fervent in their belief like a recent convert.

Rags's picture

It seems that the energetically newly devout  often were on the extreme other end of the life spectrum prior to their salvation.  Heavy partiers, etc, etc, etc, etc.....   My XW and XILs were devout Catholics.  Her serial adultery gutted my XFIL.  My XW never had our marriage annulled by the Pope and continued to take communion which was heart breaking to my XFIL on top of the fact that in his mind she commited a mortal sin and will rot and burn in hell.  Then... she did it again with her 2nd DH who was the geriatric fortune 500 executive cheat/sugar/baby daddy she was knocked up by when she left our marital home.

My XMIL was embezzling millions from her employer for 30 years including during our marriage.  The whole family except for my XBIL were sued by the business owner who was awarded several $Million in the civil suit judgement.  My XMIL was arrested by the Federal Marshals as the family exited the court room when the Civil ruling was issued.

My IL clan including my XW were devout.  The only one who I think was actually devout was my XFIL.  Though there is no possible way he did not know and was not complicit in the embezzlement my XMIL perpetrated.

I have seen it any number of times in my life. From one extreme... to the other.  These people usually remain who they are regardless of which extreme they are engaged in at any given moment. Manipulative, toxic, self serving, etc.....


MorningMia's picture

This! The hardiest partying of all HS partiers I knew ended up a religious fanatic. BM did not just make mistakes when it came to cheating; she so actively and chronically went after married men (it was more of a challenge to her if they had kids) that this was clearly a character flaw. After her second divorce (DH was her second), she jumped into fanatical cult-like religion and actually dropped a friend because the friend was having premarital sex! All the while, she continued to behave cruelly, apparently addicted to causing destruction in others' lives. Unfortunately, she pulled SD into the fold and some scary wacko beliefs are spewed from those two as both behave more like Beezlebub than Christ. The hypocrisy is mind blowing. 

advice.only2's picture

Does your DH have any interest in going to her shamtism?  I wouldn’t go, unless I was guaranteed that the holy water would burn upon entry lol.

BethAnne's picture

Maybe send a card? Your husband can attend if he wants, I would have something very important in my calander on that day. Tell you daughter not to feel obligated to attend and that sending her best wishes is enough. 

CLove's picture

"Congratulations SDattentionseekerwithreligion!!! We are so happy for your new(est) journey into baptism, Im SO sorry but I have a superimportantfamilylifethingthatcannotbementionedtoprotectprivacy happening exactly that day/weekend/week and appreciate the invitation, but must sadly (yahright) decline"...

And then send a card.

Dogmom1321's picture

Hopefully she is doing it for the right reasons and it won't be another one of her "trends." SD13 has also partaked in "going to church" the last year or so. She goes to a Wednesday night "youth group" until 8:30pm. Late for a school night IMO, but whatever. She also did a couple of "mission trips" last summer. I can't truly say how invested SD actually is, or if she is just doing it for the social reasons. But it definitely has me wondering and skeptical just like you!

Taylorlashton433's picture

I understand you annoyance, but hopefully she is doing this for the right reasons versus as a trend. My SD has changed her gender identity and sexual preference multiple times. She even requested we call her by a preferred name (Arrow) versus her birth name. Its annoying, its frustrating, but its just this generation. Its like they want to stand out from everyone to be center of attention. It may be nest just to come up with a little white lie as to why you can't go. Its not worth putting yourself in an uncomfortable situation. 

MorningMia's picture

Identity crises are very real indeed!  My skids are almost 30 and well into their 30s and clearly still struggle with who they are. Of course, we don't think BM ever figured it out for herself, either. Still, I do think the younger generation is so wrapped up in pipe dreams of becoming "influencers," needing that (especially) social media attention. 

Rags's picture

People establishing who they are used to be a more mental journey than a physical one.  Not much mental left in these coddled, entitled, prounoun challenged whack job youngsters.

It is all about forcing standing on the world rather than growing their own standing with character, honor, and performance.