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youngmama1b1g's picture

Little background: BM lost her state-provided insurance for SS. She didn't find out til she took SS to his yearly physical mid-November 2011. SO has been 'required' by the state to provide insurance for SS since he got his job. The letter arrived to his job's HR department detailing that SS had to be added immediately (at the time SO wasn't even past the waiting period)- but as soon as he was capable of receiving insurance SO has had SS on his insurance (Sept 2010).

My SO's insurance just changed to a new company. Based on your horror stories, I've already called the insurance company explaining the family dynamic. They assured me that unless BM knows my full birth date, she would not be able to access any information. So she wouldn't feel the need to pretend to be me- I had them put a note in the account allowing BM access to SS's information-should she choose.

Well now it's January, and SS still has not had his yearly physical (he's an early October birthday too). BM having all the information through my husband was also notified that SS's pediatrician is not covered under the new insurance. So, she's searching online for a new provider and is "taking him tomorrow".
Our BD has an appointment come next Thursday, but I'm debating on just getting an appointment set for SS now instead of waiting for BM to get it done. Kindergarten registration is around the corner, so we'd need this physical done soon.

What do you insurance carriers and doctor's appointment makers think?'s picture

Leave it alone. It is up to the mom and dad to make appointments and choose doctors. My kids haven't been to a well child check up since my daughter was 6 mos, son 2 yrs. They are 9 and 10 now and perfectly healthy. A physical for school can often be done at the local health dept for $15 or so.

youngmama1b1g's picture

I didn't even think of going to the health department- that's a great idea should things not be together by Feb. Thanks!

Additionally, I'm leaving it up to my SO. Since I handle our BD health stuff, I would handle the SSs too. Honestly, I'd prefer to because then I know its getting done.