Is it really fair to just leave cause your tired?
I have been married for just over a year, and for the year before that my husand and his ex have been in custody crap.. Long story short, after her accusing my daughter of sexually abusing her son (which went no where) then her removing me from all school paper work for the "household", and then unregistering my daughter (cause she removed me and listed herself as her parent). Then her calling DCFS filing a claim against my husband for molesting her daughter 10 years before hand (which went no where also). Last month the judge gave her sole custody (previously they had joint with my husband being the residental parent). Since then she just wont let anything be, and frankly I am sick of it. I knew about this before I married him, but I really never imagined a judge giving her custody so I figured it would be able to be controled some, I was wrong. My husband well he doesnt like to fight in the 1st place so he said screw it. Now there are 7 more years and with her record I just dont know if it is worth chancing anymore. Anyone been here before and what did you do?
There were times when I felt
There were times when I felt like leaving, I have to admit my issues weren't as severe as your situation but I would not give BM what she wants, to destroy your marriage. Look at it as a blessing in disguise. Maybe it is best she has custody, now you and your husband can start to rebuild your lives and create boundaries for visitation (if applicable) and BM.
Thanks, I do agree with you,
Thanks, I do agree with you, but everyday is something new. Today for example since she had to work on mothers day and she didn't get to spend the whole day with her son (by her choice my husband said nothing at all about it either way before hand) now she says my husband can only have him for a couple of hours (she is going to be nice)with him on fathers. Doesn't matter what the c/o says or what they have always done before. I realize that seems petty, but I guess with my daughter's father having chosen to not be around I am very sensitive to this. I feel like I have aged 10 years in the past 2 years. I can only imagine what 7 years will do to me.