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Just curious. How do your inlaws influence or try to influence your DH and kids?

Patsy's picture

With my recent situation with FIL. I'm curious. Do your inlaws medel much? If they do what do you think is behind all their medeling?

AllySkoo's picture

Mine don't meddle much (thank goodness!) they just gossip. We don't see them all that often though....

Patsy's picture

My MIL was awful in the begining well hell lets be honest the first 12 years of our relationship. DH stuck to putting her in her place and it has finally gotten better. My DH was the only man in her life when FIL left her.

Patsy's picture

Oh I had no clue when I got involved MIL was remarried. I had no idea my DH and her lived alone for over 8 years. I can understand it's hard to let go. What I don't understand is why any woman would rather be with her son than her husband. My StepFIL is awesome!

rainbow bright83's picture

Mine gossip and try to meddle somewhat. They try and tell me how I need to see how screwed up the BM has made the Skids' lives. My DH learned how to enable from his parents! My in-laws take care of me SILs' children (all of my sister in- laws) they financially support 2 of the SILs and know that 2 of their sons are alcoholics and have went as far as covering for 1 of them after getting into an accident while driving drunk (quickly repaired the truck as it went through a fence) My MIL goes as far as doing the kids' homework. (which i do NOT allow her to do my Bio kids homework for them)
I think that my In-Laws do this to keep the illusion of the perfect family. My DH always says how close his family is (well yeah, they still all live off of mommy) Its crazy!

rainbow bright83's picture

Oh the best part is that MIL is now unemployed and FIL gets disability and they don't have the money anymore to dole out to the leaches. Now they are contacting my DH for money. UGH!!!! So now I have to really scrutinize over money because my DH looks at it as "helping out". Um, no! Its called ENABLEING!!!!!!

rainbow bright83's picture

I am. I was raised very differently. I knew if I wanted something I had to work/earn for it. These people run to their mommy for what they want/need.
For example: SIL#2 has a job. She makes good money. She also rakes in CS for her 3 kids from 3 different guys. She had my FIL get new tires put on her car ($700) so she could go to the coast since she didn't have the money.

WHAT!?!?!? oh yeah. no joke. These people who have basically no income paid for tires when this women has been bragging about how much money she is making.

I will not allow my DH to run to his mother and thankfully has never done so. But he definitely learned the enabling behavior from his mommy.
And I sure as hell will not allow my children to be raised to think enabling is ok.

Peace 2's picture

If you don't discuss your problems with your in laws or your siblings and keep them to yourself then they know nothing is going on in your marriage. My hubby had to learn this the hard way. He would run and tell every fuss we had to his kids, sisters, brothers, and then we be ok and they were not! I finally told him if you want to bitch about me to someone, tell your friend, I don't care if your friend likes me, but your family will hold grudges until the end of time, we get over it, but the won't. If you are smart and want your marriage to make it (especially 2nd marriage with step kids) do NOT discuss your problems/fights with your family they take sides and hold grudges.

Patsy's picture

I have always felt this way. This is the same reason why I don't go to my parents telling them about my spats with DH. Im not sure how much my DH did this. I do feel he used the line, "I'll have to ask Patsy." too many times. This is a huge sore spot with my FIL. He would always say why do you need her permission. When the truth of it was that FIL would ask my husand to go somewhere with him and DH didn't want to go so I think I was the excuse used a lot of times. My FIL is a drunk and there are not many pleasant times with him.

hereiam's picture

do NOT discuss your problems/fights with your family

This is exactly what my husband's mother told HIM when he wanted to bitch to her about his first wife. God, I wish that woman had not died before I met him.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

MIL recently chose to become BFFs with BM in order to stay in contact with her nonGS, Faux, who doesn't even show any interest in having a relationship with her. Mail often let's things "slip" to people that they need not know. Needless to say, DH is speaking to her on a superficial basis at this point. Don't want to tell her something personal that will get to It's ears!

hereiam's picture

My MIL died way before my husband and I got together but from what I hear, she was not the meddling type. My FIL (now deceased) did not interfere with us at all but he and DH were not close. DH's sisters and niece, on the other hand... Well, let's just my husband uses the phrase, "I like to love them from afar."

One Step Back's picture

My MIL is a 2 faced, rotten, backstabbing liar. It's taken a while but my SO has started to see her for exactly what she is.

She has dependency issues with SS7 and because of her intensity with him, I am everything evil, our DD1 doesn't get time, effort or anything else and she is currently sailing her own son down the river for his son. Treats BM like she's everything wonderful when she knows she's a neglectful, lazy POS.

I'd take my ex MIL over her and she was a cantankerous miserable old bag, but at least it was done to my face rather than being 2 faced...