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just venting.....

soulsearchinglost's picture

i have been with my SO for 2and a half years. He has a daughter who is 16yrs old. I have 3 kids, two sons 19, the other 21. And a daughter who is 11. My sons do not live with us. One in college, the other at their BD. My bd is with us. I have issues with my SD. The first time she met my son, he was 16 and a half, she 13 and a half. She tried to grab my sons penis repeatedly. My son wanted nothing to do with her, or her advances. He likes petite girls. SD is 5 foot, but weighs over 200 lbs. She was told by her father not to behave like this. She has shown my sons pictures of "her house" which was a lovely two story brick home. My sons were like, wow, is she rich? I informed them no, she lives in a mobile home with broken down cars parked our front. She has made up fake facebook pages that were suppose to be her boyfriend from her state, well, it was all fake, her having a conversation with herself. My SO and myself pay for the cell phones together. I check to see what all the kids are up to , of course. SD had over 15000 phone calls placed to 25 different states, with 30 different area codes, she was calling random males from facebook. SHe had her phone taken away for a month. big woopdydo. I wanted to take it away forever. Her father reminded her not to be texting or calling alot, that the phone was a privilege. She flipped out, told her dad that 4000 texts in 20 days was no big deal, was a disrepectful brat. He ended up calling the BM, of course no back up from her. He suggested taking the phone from her at night so she cant stay up late, BM said no, she wouldnt take phone away, she wasnt going to baby sit her. I cringe when she is planning to come over. She hasnt been around for over a month because of school activities. The last time she was over she was on her period, bled all over the sheets on her bed, threw her comforter over her bed and didnt bother with stripping the bed or telling someone she needs the sheets washed. She is disgusting. She walks through the house like an elephant, flops down in the recliner and the poor recliner springs are making a god awful scream, seriously. She throws wrappers of food behind furniture in her room, leaves plates of food in her room. Throws a fit when she doesnt get her way. Thinks its just freaking hilarious when she farts very loudly. Laughs and laughs. She will even fart on purpose infront of guests, who have told her to act like a lady. Farted on a boys head that she had a crush on, im sure that made him want to be with her! The BM has three kids by three different guys, 19, 16 and 4. when she was with my SO she spent money like water, pampered chef and stuff like that. She liked to spend spend spend. Now she lives in a bad area of town in a mobile home and the yard it littered with crap. Oh, and when my SO was arguing on the phone with BM, BM made a sarcastic comment about "how perfect my kids are". Glad she noticed. LOL. .there not perfect in any way, but they arent like this attention seeking manipulative lying warthog. She treats her dad like shit. Total disrespect. And the BM says that if he would not talk to SD the way her does, then she would respect him. WRONG. If a kid is doing wrong they have got to be told, and if they get pissy, sorry, parents tend to get pissy also. OK, im done for now. Im trying to be good and not bitch about her to my SO. BUT i cant stand her. Some times she wont even take a shower the whole weekend. MY 11 year old has better hygiene than she does. My boys cant stand her because of her trying to act like someone shes not. And whats awful is i know im jealous of her, but i dont know exactly why because she shows no affection to SO, is rude. I know he wishes she were nicer to him. Im just cant wait till she is a bit older and never wants to come around.

Starla's picture

I feel so bad for you! She really sounds a piece of work Sad

With her trying to grab your sons penis, what did her dad do about that? It's time to break some fingers- that is just uncalled for.

Can't you or your DH break the contract for her cell fone? Pay the fine but still cheaper then her usage & for her own safety.

soulsearchinglost's picture

He has tried to correct, punish, set boundaries for her. We only have her everyother weekend, and someitimes she decides to not come over on BD weekend. He is not listened to by BM. She will go against almost everything he says or asks for BM to stand behind him on. I also believe her phone should never have gone back to her, but BM and SD whined on the fact that she has a school activity and BM needs to know when practices are let out. I argued that when we were kids cell phones didnt exist and parents were able to pick up kids when practice was over without constant cell contact. BD agrees but it always ends up with BM winning. time to go to work, will respond with more later...have a wonderful and stress free day everyone. Thanks for the opinions!

HarleyQuinn's picture

why dont you cut the phone and do pay as you go, when she uses up your credit, BM can pay for it if its that important.
Secondly, the fact she tried to molest your son, if it was the other way round, you know that shit would have hit the fan!

I dont think parenting classes are needed, I think a good kick up the ass to BM and her will do them with a big dose of realtity check. Then send them to animal training classes!

Maybe take your self away from her when she's around and let DH deal with her, he'll soon not find it anyway rewarding being alone with a warthog for so long.
Disgusting girl!!