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Just venting about the BM

Losingit321's picture

Soooo married 8 years had the stepkid since a week after we got married.... BM never stops she just wants to still feel married and I know it sounds crazy but she's very twisted and it's sickening just a for exampled *gives up her kid- calls CPS multiple times on us.  Anyhoo, the kid is 15 now so she cannot really call CPS.  The other day (she's blocked on both of our phones) she contacts DH best friend regarding a death of old friend of his.  Apparently she texted him and I look on my block texts and she texted me about texting DH.  

Why would she be the town crier about this?  In this day and age did she really think he wouldn't find out about the death of an old friend? I just do not get it at all.  We are going on 10 years together.  Myself also divorced I cannot imagine trying to hunt down my ex husband to tell him about someone passing away... wouldn't I have enough sense to know that he would find out?  I just don't get it and I think I just needed to vent because she will NEVER go away! 

Harry's picture

She has nothing in her life, nothing going on.  No friends, no BF.  All she thinks of is how she screw up her marriage,  being not her fault.. putting all her effort in keeping her former marriage important.  

MorningMia's picture

She wants to be relevant. Unfortunately, this is somewhat common. Stay strong and keep the crazy blocked.