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Let's just have a GURL"S night out!!!

laughsalot6's picture

hey ladies, My thought's " to hell with the DM,SK,BM.. We need a brake!!!

I say, some of use should exchange # if were close enough, & go have us some fun for a change!!!!

School, kid's, homework, bills, past that we did not bargain for, hell LIFE...

come on ladies, it is high time we need a gurl's night out!!!!

*we only live once, surly a T.V. dinner will do for one night*

message me 4 more detail's....laughsalot6

yesican's picture

I agree, I think that we don't get out enough and everyday life drags us under. I think that the men can handle all of the household chores for one night, if they can't they need to learn how!!!!
I want to live, laugh and love again.

Most Evil's picture


Mary Louise's picture

but i am afraid to publish where i live for fear of the bio mom or my fiances parents finding this. it would cause endless bullsh!t for us.