at a loss....
I’m just not sure how to think or proceed anymore. This is really long so thanks to anyone who takes the time to read and attempt to comprehend the ridiculousness known as my life right now.
My Fiance has been involved in a custody battle since last fall. Essentially, BM started it by filing a motion to remove all visitations from my fiancé. She also filed a motion to have an attorney appointed to SD to “advocate her wishes”. Fiancé fired back with a request for 50-50 custody as his child was out of control and needed more structure. Because we give her structure, rules and discipline, SD13 said that she was “uncomfortable” in our home and that my fiancé was “verbally abusive”.
They went to court in January. Judge said BM’s motion was absolutely ridiculous. He said the child should be going on all visits with her father, including visitation. He also denied the motion for an attorney stating that the child has no say. When BM’s lawyer then said she’d file for a GAL, the judge said don’t bother because I’m not going to grant that either.
Last week depositions were scheduled. Fiancé was deposed, BM was not because after Fiancé’s depo they decided to “settle”. The “settlement” was not even a “settlement” in my opinion and I’m quite pissed about it. I think my fiancé settled too quickly to just end everything because he mentally could not handle the fighting. SD has been quite the little turd since this all started. If you recall from some of my other threads, the past month she has “refused” to go on visitation and BM has not forced her. My fiancé has had to call the police to document the denied visitation for contempt purposes.
After the BS “settlement” last week, it was for some reason decided that BM, fiancé and SD should all go out together to talk about the parenting plan and what was going to happen going forward.
Part of the agreement was that SD had to attend a program to learn about the local tech school that fiancé feels strongly she should go to. BM signed the agreement saying she’d go. Well, the program started this week, and guess what? SD “didn’t waaaannaa go” so BM didn’t make her. So less than a week after the “settlement”, BM is already back to violating the terms of the parenting plan/divorce agreement. It’s ridiculous. The program was in no way a commitment to go to the tech school. It was simply for her to learn about what it offers. Her mother and all of her mother’s family went to this school. It’s got an excellent program and reputation.
Last night’s little get together was a total waste IMO. Fiancé said he isn’t going to force his visitations. BM claims she will follow through with punishments that were agreed to in the “settlement” (basically taking away privileges when SD refuses to go on visitations). I know darn well she will never do it because SD begs and BM always gives in because she doesn’t want to listen to her. Also, BM already proved yet again that she doesn’t follow signed court orders so why would anyone thinks she’d suddenly start discipline?
Fiancé said he can’t handle going to court anymore, and wants it all “over”. I try to tell him it will never be over because BM will keep denying him his rights, visits, etc. His idea of it being “over” is to just let them run his/our lives and use the child as a pawn. The child who is a willing and fervent participant in this control game. To me, walking away is sending the CS every month and telling SD the door is always open if/when she ever decides to grow up. Instead, we will now continue to live the “will she come with us or not” game every single time we are scheduled for visitation. It means Fiancé will have to drive to the pick up/drop off spot (now a neutral location, which was one tiny victory in all this) and not know whether or not he will come home with his kid. The weekday visits aren’t as big a deal but it basically means we can’t make any sort of plans 2 weekends out of every month. I don’t like this feeling of being held hostage by BM and SD. I don’t like that Fiancé is willing to be controlled like this.
I just don’t get why he wants to keep trying. He said if I was a mother id understand but that I can’t relate. I get that this is his only daughter, but she’s been completely alienated from him by BM, is very disrespectful to him (and to me) and when I’ve asked him what joy this child brings to his life he can’t answer. I think he can’t answer because bottom line she brings him only misery. It’s become obvious that she is nothing but a financial obligation to him now and an emotional drain. He knows that many dads walk away or do crazy things to rid them of BM. He wakes up every day hoping something happens to BM which is not healthy nor will her absence solve anything. In fact, if BM died SD would probably get worse and he’d have yet another custody battle on his hands (SD’s grandparents would fight for custody even tho it’s clear in their agreement that if one parent dies the other takes custody).
I want and need to disengage from this child but my fiancé doesn’t support that. He wants the happy family when she’s with us but unlike him I stand up for myself and refuse to be treated disrespectfully, I refuse to put up with lying, whining, and manipulative behavior.
We had 14 blissful months together before telling SD of our relationship. The first six months of SD being around was definitely different but not that bad. Then the custody stuff started and everything went to hell. I now realize that the first six months of her being around was merely that “honeymoon” phase.
I love my fiancé and when it’s just him and I we are very happy. When she is around he is different. Stressed, on edge, and we both can’t wait for dropoff. I am too old for kids of my own; so I won’t make that mistake with fiancé. I’m just not sure anymore if I can do this forever. At minimum, fiancé is financially obligated to BM for another 5.5 years (when SD turns 19). If SD goes to college full time, he’s obligated for another 4 years beyond that (when SD turns 23).
I try to focus on the positives. Fiancé is not a “Disney dad” in that he refuses to spend any money on her outside of birthday and Christmas and he keeps spending on those modest. So other than CS, this kid is not a financial burden on us. He has really tried to discipline and is aware that the lack of it has been a major issue but he still isn’t as strict as id be.
He seems hopeful after the get together he had with BM and SD, but I think its all false hopes. I don’t think BM or SD has any intention of changing.
I stopped wearing my e-ring 3 weeks ago. Because of everything going on with SD we haven’t even discussed anything wedding related or been able to enjoy our engagement. I can’t help but think he only gave it to me to help bolster is custody case (I got it in December).
Part of me knows what I should probably do but I just dont know if i can do it. I guess I figure that if we dont have kids and dont get married then I can keep riding it out hoping for change knowing I have the easy out but not being tied to him through marriage or child.
I don't mean this to sound
I don't mean this to sound bad, but I'm not *entirely* sure what your issue is. You don't see much of SD since she refuses visitation, FDH isn't spending scads of money trying to buy her "love"... the only thing I really found was that you can't make plans a couple weekends out of each month. Are you bending over so far backwards to "find the positives" that you're leaving stuff out?
ally, i think the issue is
ally, i think the issue is that he is very focused on "making things right" and in his words "pleasing everyone". i am struggling with why he needs to do either of these things with regard to BM or SD.
i struggle because i hate seeing him upset and sad when BM and SD pull their crap. I struggle because he could avoid the upset and sadness if he simply disengaged from them.
at times i feel like he is still is under BM's control (which is a big reason why he left BM, among other reasons). hhe has commented that his life was never his own when he was married to her. i feel like it still isnt by letting her continue to control.
All right, I can see that.
All right, I can see that. You love him and you don't like to see him upset. Understandable and commendable. But...
" I struggle because he could avoid the upset and sadness if he simply disengaged from them."
As gently as I can.... NO. No, he really couldn't. It would kill me - KILL ME - if my BS acted like his daughter. But walking away? Disengaging? That would break something inside me that I don't think could ever be fixed. I see your thinking - that, just like if they died, he'd mourn and then move on. All I can tell you is that not everyone does, even in the case of a death. And his daughter would still be very much alive, making it all but impossible to "move on". While disengaging might work for YOU, it might easily be worse for your DH.
So I think I agree with ripleyV2, who said "you need to let him choose his own path with his kid. But, you ALSO get to choose your own path. " You can't "save" him from this pain. All you can do is be there for him and save *yourself*.
i see where you are coming
i see where you are coming from, but in my opinion this dynamic is almost abusive. not my fiance abusing SD, but rather the other way around. in any other relationship, people would encourage someone to leave the abusive relationship. why isnt it the same with children?
I don't know, honestly. I'd
I don't know, honestly. I'd never allow a man to treat me that way - I'd walk. All I can tell you is that I'd never walk away from my children, not for good. (Tough love, sure. Discipline, rules, etc etc etc. But I'd never be able to give up on them.) It's just... different. For what it's worth, I do tend to agree with you - DH is being subjected to abusive behavior. Maybe you should try what they recommend for abuse victims. Build him up, tell him how awesome he is. Don't say anything about the abuser though, that tends to backfire. I'd research that, see if that approach helps. I do know they tell families that you can't MAKE someone leave their abuser though, they have to come to that realization on their own,
i like that approach. he is
i like that approach. he is feeling very low these days.... to the point of almost being in a depression and i worry all the time for him. i know he feels like a failure and i HATE that those bitches have put him down so low.
i did finally come to the realization over the weekend that he does need to admit and acknowledge SD's problems and the situation on his own and until he does its dead in the water.
We were in the same boat with
We were in the same boat with BM lying and saying she would work with DH and then not doing it. Now DH after several attempts to have a relationship with SD17, has walked away. We are out of her life. If she wants to make amends and come back, the door is open, but we are no longer pursuing any relationship with her. It was hard for DH, but she forced this decision with her mom and DH is done. I was done after her ruining our vacation, but now, he is done too.
We fought in courts, mediation and everything and at some point you have to say stop.
It's not going to get better
It's not going to get better via fighting in court. It only entrenches everyone and especially the girl because she is losing nothing and controlling an adult situation which is a new feeling for her.
I was a step-father to two girls and non-custodial bio-father to two boys. If your husband were here my advise to him would be to stop all contact with the girl. Just stop. Dead. At most a email to the mother saying he's not expecting any further visitation from the girl then dead silence. Of course he responds to anything he receives but doesn't initiate any communication and his responses to his ex are terse and to the point. Anything from the girl can be responded to normally but he waits for her to initiate contact.
This takes all the power away from them. Yes you could claim that they won but the war isn't over. In time, it may be a month, it may be years, the girl will come to realize her immaturity and re-establish contact. In the meantime she did not feel required to take sides - to pick one parent over the other and this allows her to reconnect without feeling she has to apologize.
Wars of this nature are never won by anyone - nobody gets what they want - and the long term resentments could effect the father/daughter relationship to the grave. Better to trade a few years of silence now.
i would love to see him do
i would love to see him do this. i remember you saying you did this on another thread and the child did in fact return to you.
but again until he realizes this himself, i dont think anyone, even someone like you who has been through it, can make him see it. a childless female like me sure wont be able to.
Time for DF to drag BM back
Time for DF to drag BM back to court for contempt and to quit dicking around with his XW and with his daughter. Beat them both in to submission and keep them pummeled and this crap ends when they quit being stupid.
Good lock,
"I want and need to disengage
"I want and need to disengage from this child but my fiancé doesn’t support that."
That's not his choice. Just like you don't get to choose when these bitches fuck with his head and create stress between the two of you. Disengage until some progress is made on all fronts. Give yourself a limit--3 months? A year?--and if things haven't started changing, consider reevaluating your relationship to decide if it's worth it in the long term for you to stay.