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Manipulation at it's finest.

stepmomx2's picture

So, my SD12 have a great relationship, well most days, she is 12 after all! Smile Anyway, she lives with my husband and I full time during the school year. She has an overnight canoe trip with her class coming up and they were asking for chaperones. I am very involved in her school and related functions, and her BM is involved whenever it is convenient for her to be. My SD asked me to chaperone and I was thrilled! I know we'd have a great time and it would be good bonding time too because we'd be out on the water all day, then tenting on the shore all night, then out on the water again the rest of the next day. When she went to her mom's for the weekend my DS must have mentioned that she'd asked me to go along with her, which caused her BM to go all DRAMATIC! She is the queen of manipulation and has a history of using guilt to discipline the kids and get them to do what she wants. She started crying in front of my SD and told her that it was so unfair for her to invite me and that she should have invited her instead because she was her "real" mom. (how 'bout acting like it every once in awhile?!) When my SD came back to our house, she was really upset about it and told me that she had told her BM that she wanted her as a chaperone. BUT, my SD told me that she still wanted me to chaperone too. We have done things like this before, we are by no means "friends" but I 'take one for the team' when necessary for the sake of my SKids. I think in this situation, even though I'd love to go because I know my SD wanted me there, that I should back off and tell her I'm not available to chaperone after all. That way it will remove my SD from being in the middle, and it will get her BM to lay off the guilt trip. The problem is that I'm not sure what reason to give my SD for me no longer being available? I can't say anything to blame her mom, but I also don't want my SD to think that I don't care enough about her to go on her trip with her. Like always, I'm stuck in a bind. Doing what's best for my SD and her BM's relationship means sacrificing my relationship with SD. I know that someday she'll realize that my husband and I were the ones who were always there for her for the right reasons, but that wont be for quite some time! It's also a bummer to sort of reward her BM for the negative behavior, you know? Basically showing her that by crying and whining, she can get exactly what she wants. Just another day filled with BM DRAMA...

CowGirl's picture

Do you have a GF/sister/mom that can call when SD is next to you to say: Remember? I asked you about a month ago & you said you would do blah blah for me or with me? On that same night of the canoe trip? Then say - oh no! I totally forgot ...... sorry SD - I can't go after all!

paul_in_utah's picture

"I know that someday she'll realize that my husband and I were the ones who were always there for her for the right reasons, but that wont be for quite some time!"

Don't hold your breath on that one. Read some of the other posts here - for a lot of people, it **never** gets better.

As far as your current situation, I would just refer your SD to her mother - just tell her "I won't be able to go, please ask your mother if you have any questions." This puts the ball in bio-mom's court, and gives you plausible deniability, since you did not actually say anything derogatory about BM.

Dumby's picture

You sound like a wonderful SM. I agree it would probably be best to step back but not let the SD know why. I sure hope her BM actually shows up for the field trip. Good luck.

stepmomx2's picture

I talked with my SD last night and let her know that I was thinking of not going on the trip so that I would be available to help out with the transportation of vehicles/canoes/supplies etc. from one point to another. This is partially true, I'm on the planning committee and have been planning the trip for months but I'd volunteered my husband to help with that stuff, but she didn't really know all that...she was ok with it, so no harm done I guess. Except that it's a bummer for me to miss out...especially when I'm on the planning committee! Being a step-parent sure is a thankless job. The only thing that keeps me going is knowing that I'm doing the right thing for the kids. Moving on...

hbell0428's picture

oh gosh I don't know what I would do; you are a bigger person then me! I have SD14 FT her BM doesn't bother EVER!! In fact she would rather I do it then her; at this point I'd probably claw BM's eyes out!! LOL }:)