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Meeting Societal Expectations - Embarrassed by your step kids?

KH4573's picture

Anyone here have issues with not being "proud" of your stepkid(s)? I feel terrible but I am embarrassed for many reasons when we are at events or in public and I do not want people to think my 13 year old SD is mine! Without writing a novel here, she has un-diagnosed and untreated mental health and delayed AGE APPROPRIATE developmental issues and it makes me super uncomfortable to even be in her presence. Surely I am not the only one who feels this way?!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

UN-diagnosed mental health? Um, is it your opinion that she has mental health issues or are you a professional?

You don't have to be in public with your SD. Do something else.

KH4573's picture

I am not a professional but I am certain she needs professional diagnosis and evaluation. Her parents refuse to acknowledge there is a problem. Hoping that changes very soon so she can get help.

hereiam's picture

IF she has mental health issues or issues of delayed development, her parents needs to do something about it and get her the help that she needs.

still learning's picture

Maybe her parents are in denial that there's anything off w/their perfect child.

KH4573's picture

I agree, and they are in denial there could be a problem. They see her as unique and quirky. It's sad because I feel she needs help and my suggestions are shot down.

secret's picture

I don't tend to travel in packs with people I'm ashamed to be around.

Don't go - problem solved.

Or... Honey - YOUR daughter needs you...and walk away

still learning's picture

I make sure people know that ss's and sgs's are exclusively DH's. ss32 is a wreck of a human being and DH barely acknowledges him. I'm embarrassed for DH that he spawned such an individual but it really is his own doing since he chose to enable him out of guilt for so many years. If you seach ss32's name a mugshot that makes him look homeless and deranged will pop up. ss26, DIL and gskids are fine but I still refer to them as DH's son, DH's DIL and DH's gkids. sgs9 is super spoiled and throws major tantrums and sgs4 is just barely out of diapers. DH and BM get all the glory for their progeny.

Jyoung89's picture

I know exactly how you feel!!!! ahhhh i had to drop mine off and pick him up from daycare the whole summer. while dealing with his appalling behaviour during camp. i dreaded picking him up...same issues -behavioural issues, undiagnosed delays...BM will not have him assessed. apparently he is 5X worse during the school year with BM....

i feel your pain

KH4573's picture

OH dear LORD I cannot imagine. I'm so glad to know I'm not alone in this situation! There is no way I could drop her off and pick her up from anywhere. Period. UGH

thinkthrice's picture

You are giving me flashbacks! ((((SHUDDER))))
I remember eating at Applebees with the three ferals. Ages, at the time, 9, 7 and 4. And of course, I blame ALL of it on the bio parents, Girhippo and Chef.

They would duck under tables, stick straws up their noses, bounce in seats, be allowed to order from the adult menu then waste 9/10ths of it yet still get dessert, climb ON the table, turn around and stare at other patrons, eat with their hands (food that is not finger food) laugh so loud it would make a 777 blush, scream, shout, lay down in the middle of hallways so that patrons and wait staff would have to walk around them or step over them, refuse to go the bathroom themselves.

I clearly remember in the waiting area for a table. there was a team of spiffy soccer players about ages 7 and 8 quietly behaving themselves (probably from a parochial school) whereas Chef's animals were making fools of themselves and tearing up the place. I stood back reading one of those free town newspapers/pennysavers. YSS came up to me and attempted to tear it out of my hands without saying a word. I quickly gave him the stare of death (same stare my mother would give me) and whisked the paper away from his grubby little hands. "I'm reading this right now, you can have it later when I done with it."

We often got hate stares from other patrons because the skids were completely feral. I often mouthed "they're not mine." Also the fact that they don't look a thing like me helped a bit.

My grown daughter saw them in action once and whispered "MOM, were we THAT BAD??!" And I responded "no, because I wouldn't allow it."

An elderly lady came up to Chef while he was in a LAUNDROMAT to tell him his son shouldn't be making that much NOISE and climbing in and out of washers and dryers. He basically told her to bugger off. This was in his absolute guilty/Disney daddy days.

When stb 7, YSS went into a big box hardware store and systematically removed all the control knobs off of each and every appliance and threw them on the floor. Instead of Chef making him stop and put them back, he said nothing and wimpily walked behind YSS attempting to quickly put the controls back on. :sick: :sick: :sick:

KH4573's picture

Oh good grief, your story is so animated I can picture the nightmare unfolding. You must drink heavily or take medication to deal with all of that. Thank goodness I only have ONE rugrat to deal with. My bio son is wonderful. LOL

Literally my only saving grace>>>>> Also the fact that they don't look a thing like me helped a bit.

The part about you mouthing "they aren't mine" had me in stitches. :O

SugarSpice's picture

on one occasions one of the dhs daughters (adult) dressed like a tart at a formal event. it was embarrassing and i made sure every one knew she was not my daughter. i did not want the failure of bm to reflect upon me.

CANYOUHELP's picture

No way would I want anybody to know I was connected to these low class think they are high class will never hear me say they are kin to me.... He can be proud of his pieces of work, lol. I do not hear him bragging about them either, lol.

No Name's picture

Brings back memories here too. We would take the skids to church and my daughter and I would sit pews away from them because they were so disrespectful! And knowing where we were going they would not be dresses appropriately. Just plain embarrassing! Forget restaurants, I would never waste my hard earned money. I too felt something was not right with SS even at a young age as he was out of control. I even called the school asking if he could be tested and they said it was up to BM and DH to take him to the doctors. That never happened and now we are dealing with an adult that believes he is entitled and that rules and laws don't apply to him. He is extremely disrespectful and lazy. I honestly hope that I never see him again as long as I live although I doubt that is going to happen. I really did try with the skids. A few weeks back I told DH the stuff that our friends would say about SS when he was young and he seemed quite shocked. I don't know where he has been for all of these years!

DaniellaR's picture

No, I wouldn't let a CHILD embarrass me. When skids are rude, I ask him if he is going to let a child talk like that. If skids are rude to me, they are immediately made miserable and regret doing it, just like any other child that had the nerve to be rude to an adult. Their dad is also told about it so he can address it. I don't let children run my life. If skids dared run wild in public and DH didn't get them under control, he knows darn straight I would make him remove the heathens until he could get them under control. If he had to stand outside a restaurant with kids that couldn't behave then that's what would happen.