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Mickie Rooney and SKID Abuse

sandye21's picture

Mickey Rooney was in the news last night. He was testifying in front of a panel adressing elder abuse. He claims his SS has been abusing him. It almost sent me into a panic considering my experiences with SD36 whose verbal abuse has been violent and threatening to me. I want to protect myself from any possibility that this could happen to me. How can I legally insure no contact from SD if I was ever thought to be incapacitated?

sandye21's picture

What concerns me is how they could physically and emotionally abuse an elder person who may not be able to defend their self. I wouldn't trust SD.

boogeymom's picture

My Skids will just be WAITING for me to have to rely on others for help when I get older. I'm sure I'll be very abused should I fall into a situation where they're in charge of finding care for me, etc. Maybe I'll just pre-emptively strike by picking out my own elderly living facility before I totally go down hill, thus ensuring myself nice golden years.