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Skids are at BM tonight for visitation. SD calls my phone, and asks what our address is (she has not memorized it since we moved). She said she has a school project and a friend needs to come over.
My response to her was, since it is so complicated and her friend needs it to give her parents, and we have not talked to her parents, that dad will call school and talk to the teacher.
Then handed the phone to FDH.
She starts screaming at him that I won't give SD the address because I think it is her asking for it and she wants to clarify that it is not her asking, she never asked and she doesn't want it.
FDH hangs up on her...

1. Duh, it's in the court order that he notify her, he sent the letter through his lawyer. And hilariously she will probably get it tomorrow.

2. She really thinks I'm going to make all 3 kids go the rest of their young life without knowing something so important as the address where they live because I am afraid BM will find out.

3. She really thinks I care that much about her.