My Husband Ended Our Marriage Last Night
My husband ended our marriage last night. After 5 years of drama 2 months of being separated, a cancer scare that I endured all alone, and endless arguments, I can honestly say that I am at peace with it. I hope that this helps everyone here...
As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will..You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time..You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken..You'll fight with your best friend..You'll blame a new love for things an old one did..You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love..So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt.. Because every sixty seconds you spend upset, is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.
Not looking Back,
Don't look at it as dreams
Don't look at it as dreams dreams were dying staying in that mess. This is a new beginning. I know there is something better out there for me
I won't does hurt...but I have accepted that things would never change and I can honestly say I gave it my all.
Looking forward to spending some much needed time with my son (9) and exciting for new beginnings
I'm sorry to hear about the
I'm sorry to hear about the divorce. Like you said there are better things out there for you! And there definitely really are better things. In time that hurt will go away. I sometimes think my dreams are dying too so I know that feeling. I just wish you the best.
All things that could have
All things that could have been fixed...but he was unwilling to work on it. Then he started acting shady...and cold hearted. Feel free to check out my blog...the story is all there. I lost all trust for him. Without trust, there is nothing. And he continued to tell me lie after lie. I never caught him cheating, but looking back it would not surprise me..he left too easily last night. We were even in couseling to work on us....and I thought we were doing great. But then the lies started again
You can't make someone change when they don't want to.
I am not going to pretend that it does not hurt...because it does. But I refuse to have a pity party - so, I am looking on the brightside of things.
I am happily moving on...DRAMA FREE...And working to find my inner happiness
So sorry for your loss. Your
So sorry for your loss. Your words are very inspiring. Thanks for being out there
Thank you
Thank you
Is this all because of the
Is this all because of the skids?
Skids ruling the roost with
Skids ruling the roost with no discipline, him telling our business to BM, which of course went back to the Sk's and they ended up HATING me...him STAYING in contact with ex#2 and her kids (Her kids were NOT his kids)...all of it. There is MUCH lack of support as I was being tested for cancer and may lose my kidney in February (He asked me to move out the day after they found a mass on my kindey). And then of course are the lies and the overall shadiness. I guess he didn't know what to do with a real woman...all of his ex's are ghetto he was used to all the drama.
They never accepted myself and my son as their family...DH..SD11, SD14, the rest of his family...NONE of them!
Their loss...we are in a better place now. of my soapbox....back to happy thoughts
I'm in the same boat as you,
I'm in the same boat as you, and I just want you to know I have been reading yours and dragoflyo26's posts (she is going through this also) and you guys are an insperation to me. As much as it hurts you two are giving me hope that it will be better and I will come out the other side of ok.
MSC...hang in there. You will
MSC...hang in there. You will be just fine once you realize that you deserve more. Don't get me wrong...I hurt very badly too, but there comes a time in life when you realize some relationships are toxic, and the best to do is to leave and NEVER look back!
Please take care of you! ((hugs))
I just want to
I just want to ladies are AWESOME! I was in such a dark place, feeling low, all alone. Then I found st. I no longer feel like the "only one". And if I do I come here and just read. I'm in a room all alone, but, I'm NOT alone!
Thank You all so much for being here and being YOU!