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My stepdaughter

k8tie's picture

Hi, its been a long time since I have been here and I thought I would post an update. My 7 year old stepdaughter was having wetting accidents both day and night. After working with her, she had pretty much stopped having accidents during the day aside from the occasional accident here and there. She is still nowhere close to being dry at night and we (I) thought the best solution would be to have her wear a diaper to bed as my husband lacked on helping with the extra laundry it would cause if she didnt wear one. I have tried leaving the diaper off at night a few times but it didnt help other then create more laundry. My question for you I stick with having her wear a diaper at night and keep everyone happy or do I go back to making it miserable for all of us. Granted, she hates having to wear one but I dont see any other option as she wont make the effort to try to stop or get up to go when she has to go. I appreciate any comments, ideas or suggestions you have. Thank you and have a wonderful day!


Anywho78's picture

My SD (then 5) was wetting the bed on a regular basis. I instated no drinks 2 hrs before bedtime (dinner is her last drink of the evening). The drink rule remains today & she is 7.

I discussed with her my issue of the laundry, touching her wee, the fact that I was getting her up every night to pee (she HATED that!) & that I knew she could be a big girl if she tried. She responded with "oh well, I can't help it". I asked her if she wanted me to get her a diaper & she of course declined Smile order for her NOT to have to use a diaper, I had her help strip the bedsheets, put the laundry into the washer with me, continued to wake her every night before I went to bed, & she started to do better.

Once she was dry for a whole week, I offered a "treat" once she was dry for another whole week...she loved that. The treat was her picking ANYTHING she wanted from the Walgreens candy isle...they don't get candy too often. end the fiaso, I purchased her brother a new "big boy" camo bedsheet/comforter set (he had spider man prior to that). She had a Dora set & wanted a "big girl" set of Littlest Petshop with purple sheets...She got hers after a month of dry sheets.

She asked that I not wake her up anymore as she says she is not rested when she gets up the next morning. She had been accident free for quite a few months so I agreed to that.

It took us about 6 months to get her where she is now. She has had 2 accidents since she got her sheets. With every accident, she gets her Dora (baby) sheets back as I have them pre-made under a plastic sheet on her bed as a "just in case".

Sorry so long but this is what worked for us Smile

k8tie's picture

Thank you very much Sara for your post. I need to get her to be more responsible for her actions. She is 7 and is plenty old enough to start taking responsibility for it. Thankfully, my husband is on-board with how I feel and what needs to be done and will work with me, as well as his daughter to get this issue behind us. I know it wont be an overnight process but all I can do at this point is not give up. Thank you again and I look forward to any other suggestions from anyone else.


k8tie's picture

Thank you very much Sara for your post. I need to get her to be more responsible for her actions. She is 7 and is plenty old enough to start taking responsibility for it. Thankfully, my husband is on-board with how I feel and what needs to be done and will work with me, as well as his daughter to get this issue behind us. I know it wont be an overnight process but all I can do at this point is not give up. Thank you again and I look forward to any other suggestions from anyone else.


k8tie's picture

Thank you very much Sara for your post. I need to get her to be more responsible for her actions. She is 7 and is plenty old enough to start taking responsibility for it. Thankfully, my husband is on-board with how I feel and what needs to be done and will work with me, as well as his daughter to get this issue behind us. I know it wont be an overnight process but all I can do at this point is not give up. Thank you again and I look forward to any other suggestions from anyone else.


k8tie's picture

Thank you very much Sara for your post. I need to get her to be more responsible for her actions. She is 7 and is plenty old enough to start taking responsibility for it. Thankfully, my husband is on-board with how I feel and what needs to be done and will work with me, as well as his daughter to get this issue behind us. I know it wont be an overnight process but all I can do at this point is not give up. Thank you again and I look forward to any other suggestions from anyone else.


k8tie's picture

Sorry for the triple post, I dont know what happened. Can someone here delete the duplicate posts for me? Thank you.


k8tie's picture

I was just wondering if there was anyone else that can relate to what I am going through. thank you everyone for your help in advance. Have a great day.


k8tie's picture

Thanks, thats what I have been doing to avoid further stress. He is great for the most part and helps with alot of other things and is a GREAT cook! How many men can cook and it be edible? LOL I was thinking she was too old to wear one at her age but neither she nor my husband is leaving me much of a choice. It sometimes helps getting an outside opinion from someone outside the family. A non-bias opinion. We were going to go to my sisters for the holiday and while she didnt come out and say it, I could tell she didnt want us to spend the night because of her. Its a good 9 hour drive and there is no way we were going to go down there for just 1 day or spend money for a hotel. Thanks again!
