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My stepson 14 is ruining my life!

whyme's picture

:? Ok so my ss is 14 now ive known him since he was 6 - he has lived with us for 2 years now and our lives are being turned upside down because of it! first of all im tired of people telling me - why did u marry a man with kids if you cant deal with them ! When my husband and i married his kids were 7 , 14 and 18. I used to get along with them all really well , until their mother moved them to a trashy neighborhood and stopped caring what they did - within 6 months both girls were prego and his son became this little thug! now years later I have 2 stepdaughters both with 3 yr old daughters that they cannot support and a stepson who is beyond disrespectful , smoking weed, stealing alcohol, haninging out with all the worst people - even though he lives with us now - i think he is beyond the point of no return , he thinks his older sisters are soo cool and looks up to their looser lifestyle! He is gonna flunk 8th grade this yr and he says - thats ok ill just drop out in a few yrs and get my ged like my sisters! Now my husband works alot 60+ hrs a week so i am the one who is always home with him having to deal with his disrespect. My husband is in denial about this kid he says oh he will grow out of it , and telling me i exagerate everything! This is his baby boy so always believes him over me unless i have proof. I really cant stand this boy but i love my husband - we also have a 6yr old together so if i did leave him he would have our daughter half of the time - which he is a great dad to her but he trust his son around her and i dont - i worried he would leave the 2 alone together and she could be hurt , he has always been mean to her and she hates him how can i leave - I know i cant protect her all the time but unless you live my life you dont understand - i know people tell me - but he is her dad and he will take good care of her but he trusts his son and says he would never hurt her and that scares me. sooo what do i do sacrifice my self and my sanity for the safty of my daughter - yes thats what i have to do! I love my little girl. His boy just isnt right!