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Need advice

ambular99's picture

My SD12 and mother in law planned a birthday party at my mother in laws house unbeknownst to BM or DH. She invited her her friends and then told DH and I as well as BM. This was planned on BM weekend. Needless to say we were all mad but got over it. Soo DH and I have two kids together and all of BM's family as well as DH's family are suppose to be there. BM's family and DH's famy can't stand each other and I don't feel it's fair to me or our kids to have a "joint" bday party. My husband was all about the bday party until he found out BM and her family were going to be there. Would it be wrong of me to tell my husband and SD that me and my two kids will not be attending and we will just have a small party at our house for her?

PolyMom's picture

Absolutely nothing wrong with that at all. I posted a similar question a few weeks ago, and basically what I was told (and followed this advice) is unless you are in a really amicable situation, joint parties are definitely not required, much less encouraged.

hangingbyathread6's picture

I wouldn't go. My MIL pulls this shit all the time. Although usually me and my kids aren't invited. BM and the skids are...and most times DH...but not DH's WIFE or her kids. I ignore it. Don't go. And wait for the old bitch to....well I won't say it. Because it's not nice and not something I should really think let alone say.

Sorry you have this to deal with. Take your kids and go have a good time away from all the drama.