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Need Ideas!!

hbell0428's picture

This Friday is SD B-day...she is turning 15!! 3 more years to go...LOL

anyway, I told her she could have a few girls over to spend the night and my BD could have some too....why not...
It is some family as well; DH tells me that he forgot but he won't be there until 9!! He has practice w/ BS. Grrreeaat!
what do I do; do I have to play games and such; I have younger kids and I am a pro at parties, but she is our oldest.
Do I just let them run rampid!! May sound silly......but suggestions??

PeanutandSons's picture

Ask SD what shed like. Maybe set up stuff so the girls can do a mini spa day with eachother. Or just order some pizza, get some movies for them and let them be.

Entertain the younger ones to keep them out of sd's hair.

hismineandours's picture

Agreed. I dont plan activities for my 14dd and her friends. My other dd is turning 10 next week and we have some activities planned-dd14 and her friend are going to help them do the spa thing and then we are going to have them put on a "talent show". We also have a hottub so they will be getting in there-add in some cake, some pizza, and maybe a movie and we've got the night covered!

hbell0428's picture

Thanks BD is easy; but SD is so hard to read sometimes.........I like the idea.......Lots of food and let them be - I have asked her a few times; but she never really told me what she wanted - I am sure they will be fine; I don't know why I am stressing...LOL Thanks!!

purpledaisies's picture

Don't plan anything they WILL do what they want. I have been there done that. What you do do is ask SD what she has in mind that way if she wants to do the Wii or spa or what ever you will be prepared and can get those things out. Other than that they will stay looked up in her room. Have plenty of snacks though.