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Learning's picture

Not a stepmom yet...but dealing with all the issues....

My boyfriend and I have been together 2 years. Unique situation.... I've never been married or had kids... And in my early 40s decided to have a child on my own....and then I met him....who makes me happier than any other man I've been with. He's wonderful. So happy!

And then there's the drama....He's divorced with 2 teens....

After a year together, he told the kids about me and introduced's been a struggle.... daughter has been ok but son has been a real challenge.... it's taken a year for the son to even be willing to sit in the same room with me or accept food from me that I bring over... but still won't eat a meal with me.... and to make things worse... the mom is not supportive of any of this....thinks my guy and I should just put our lives on hold until kids go to college. she even goes so far as to commiserate with son about how my guy puts me before the kids...which is INSANE! to give an idea of what she considers putting me befoore the kids....i had a surgery scheduled for a week before the weekend when he did NOT have the kids (so he could help me)....a week or so before the christmas the last minute the son decides he wants to change weekends before the holidays....and now the mom is in a huff that i should change my surgery because the kids are more important...yup...she's nuts and lets son run the show and my guy can't stop it ....because son worships mom and has strained relationship with my guy because he actually tries to parent and not let him run the house....

it's alot...but he's wonderful and i love him and we joke that our ability to communicate is our superpower....not sexy (although we have that too) ...but important Wink

we plan to get engaged early next year (he's told kids these plans and told the ex)....we planned timing so kids would have time to adjust...

in addition....i haven't given up on wanting to be a mom and decided on adoption.

if we were younger, i'd wait until we marry....but i'm not younger (I'm 46 and he's 50) and adoption wait can take a i'm on an adoption wait list as a single mom....but my guy and i plan to raise the child together...he plans to adopt child once we are married....

the hard part is that while daughter is off to college this fall....son has 2 more years before he heads out....and there is not looking like any chance we can get married before unless son has an about face....and my guy is afraid to push because son has already threatened to go live with mom and he doesn't want to miss out on last 2 years with son.....

so i could have a new baby in the next year and a half time guy with me until son goes to college....

it's alot....

would love to hear from anyone who has dealt with tough teens and ex's and have words of wisdom?


Kaylee's picture

My question would be, why is the son allowed to dictate everything?

A heathy parent/child relationship involves clear communication and loving but firm parenting. The son doesn't get to decide who his father spends time with, and make things uncomfortable for you, his dad's partner.

We see this all too often on this board... little Princes and Princesses laying down the law and threatening to go and live with the other bio parent, because Dad or Mum has a new partner.

I'd call the son's bluff if I vwas your SO...let him go and live with his Mum.

Kes's picture

Agree with Kaylee - you probably know that this is insane - the SKIDs & their mother trying to dictate your lives - the thing about your surgery is beyond bizarre.   I hope your man maintains very strong boundaries which you need with such people.  The trouble is what often happens is that the non custodial bio parent ends up bending themself out of shape in order to accommodate ridiculous demands because they don't want to lose the relationship. So what happens when your SS comes over and refuses to eat a meal with you?  Does your man eat with him and you eat elsewhere?  If so, him allowing this is completely unacceptable.   If your man isn't able to be assertive enough, you might want to put the wedding plans on hold - I would, in your situation.  I have dealt with this kind of thing myself, and it nearly caused us to break up at one point - but my DH has learned to have better boundaries.  

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

I agree with Kes. I am with a parent who fears his own children and let me tell you it only gets worse. SKs will use that power every chance they get.

You will end up bitter and angry because you have no control over the situation and children and BM are dictating your life 

justmakingthebest's picture

His son needs to be told to sit down and shut up. This is terrible parenting. His son is not in your relationship or potential marriage. Your SO also needs to tell his ex that she has no control over his life. All communication should be regulated to the teens and only regarding scheduling, school or medical needs. 

The son doesn't have to like you, you don't have to like him. As a step family the only thing you are both required to do is treat eachother with kindness and mutual courtesy. Refusing to eat with you is rude and if he can't eat at the table with you and have some polite dinner conversation than he can go to his room hungry. -- It is called parenting. Your SO should really figure out how to do that if you plan on having a child with him. 

Also, when you are married your stepson will need to learn that your marriage does take priority. That is how marriages survive. Kids come into our lives and live with us for a brief time, then we are back to just the spouses. If you don't prioritize your marriage while raising the kids, you won't have a relationship when they are gone. 

Rags's picture

So you're both giving a 16yo the power to run and control your lives.  Really?   And letting his X tell you what to do.



tog redux's picture

If your SO doesn't set limits on BM and his son, they will be running his life forever. Please don't think this high conflict stuff ends when kids go to college. Keep reading these boards and you will find  people still having their stepkids try to dictate everything in their (the skid's) middle age years. Or BMs who still demand money and for the ex to "put the kids first" when the kids are in their 30s; or men who aren't allowed contact with their grandkids because they won't divorce the hated stepmother. 

Take charge here, and let your wonderful guy know that until he stops being afraid of his son and ex and sets some limits, you aren't even considering marriage. And move out, if you've moved in. 

I know you won't heed our advice now because you are in love and that's when lots of red flags go ignored. Visit us again in a couple years!


Also, if you think BM is bad now, wait until you adopt a child and she's no longer exclusively  "the mother of his children". That's when the real fun will begin. 

hereiam's picture

After a year together, he told the kids about me and introduced me

So, you were already in love with him by the time he introduced you to his kids and all of the dysfunction came out. A year is quite a long time to keep you a secret and not introduce you into the dynamic. Make no mistake, the kids were in charge from the get go.

Your BF is just as guilty as his ex, he is letting his son run the show. His fear of losing his son won't go away just because he goes to college. There will all kinds of events that your BF will be afraid of being left out of if he does not do what his kids want. Graduations, weddings, grandchildren, it will never end. If he can't put his foot down now, do you really think he will ever be able to?


TheBrightSide's picture

My BF also has 2 teens.  We waited a year.  I wanted to wait that long.  We were lucky in that the teens accepted me right away.  

There's nothing wrong with waiting a year.  I do want to clarify one thing.  Had his teens NOT accepted me, I would have likely ended the relationship and he knew it was a dealbreaker.  I'm lucky that the teens have good parents who set boundaries and expectations.

Stepdrama2020's picture

Not good at all. You may think your guy is fantabulous BUT his world is toxic. It will always be toxic as long as toxic people remain in his life.

Do not misunderstand me I am not suggesting he disassociate with prince in charge SS. What I am saying is your fabulous guy will always be tied to his kids, so indirectly to BM. When the BM is high conflict game after game will be played, and Prince in charge SS will do the bitchy BM's bidding. These kids will have college graduations, weddings, kids. All of that will become a source of pain for you. 

I would take this dang slow. You probably will never have peace. Or if you do obtain peace it will take years of toxic drama to get there. By then your mental health, physical health may take a nose dive. Medications, alcohol may become your BFF. OR NOT. Just throwing out the high probabilities of step shit life.

All I am asking is , is this man worth it?

There may be men out there who are also fantastic that does not have toxic tied to him. You are childless. Lets say you do adopt. How do you think prince in charge charming will treat him?? Who knows SD may also hop on the hate SM bandwagon, think about it.

Just giving you food for thought.

Learning's picture

WOW....I think I came to the wrong place.....I thought this might be a spot for caring individuals to discuss ways to work with the issue....I was not expecting a vent session where everyone denigrates those involved....

he has been working with a respected family therapist....and I have been working with a therapist of my own.....and nobody on any side has come close to saying what has been said here....

for the record we do not live together yet....these have been efforts to let the kids get to know me....not his kids running his house....just being understanding that this is hard for them as they have no control over the situation....

and for the record - he told the kids about me at 6 months but we gave them time to adjust before making the official introduction...

and for the record - he does stand up to surgery was not changed....just was giving example an extreme example of what has occured in past....

i won't be back again...

Winterglow's picture

Before you leave, please read your post and the responses again. If you had given more information, the answers might have been different. What you read was a direct reaction to the information given.

This is a caring place and supplies tons of support but sometimes you have to take the bluntness with the rest. What's the point in sugar-coating advice? Also, many people here have been faced with similar situations to yours. The advice they give is often what they wish people had told them in the beginning.

Stepdrama2020's picture

I am very caring and empathetic. All I did was play devils advocate. Everyone gives advice based on experience. Many of us have experienced the same step crap.

We can only go by what you wrote, and then respond to it.

Take the advice you can work with, and the rest leave it.

The responses on here from what I can tell were compassionate and hard truths of THEIR experience.

Please read more on here. 

I truly hope you get the best that life has to offer.

tog redux's picture

Most people don't really understand what goes on in high conflict step situations. We do. 

See you in a few years. 

Stepdrama2020's picture

I hope we didnt frighten the OP off of here. This site is so educational.

Kaylee's picture

"after a year together he told the kids about me and introduced me" 

That's what you said in your original post. But you're now saying it was at 6 months? I'm a little puzzled by aspects of your post/posts.

Also, I think your therapists are off the mark. IMHO.

I wish you luck with your situation. I hope your dream of adopting is fulfilled and that you and your child have a wonderful life together.

Everyone here has given you great advice. Everyone that took the time to post has given you honest and genuine perspectives, and the benefit of their individual experience.

Instead of flying off the handle, go back and reread your post and the replies... several times. There's a lot of wisdom in there.

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

If I had come here the first year of my relationship with SO I would have probably ignored all the advice given too. 

Not me, my situation is different, I would have thought. We can work through this, the kids will come around.

I came here after for advice and support because I had no rational explainations for the crazy ai was experiencing. What were tolerable issues in the beginning only morphed into bigger issues and high conflict.

If a BM is pulling the strings in any way and involving themselves in your relationship. You can be guaranteed it will only escalate. All the counseling in the world can't stop a third party from engaging in Thier bad behavior. 

lala-land's picture

Madam, If either of your respected therapists were doing any good, you wouldn't be here.  They should actively help both of you with a 16 year old wanna-be tyrant and his intrusive BM.  Your boyfriend should have nipped this behavior in the bud, when it first started, instead of parenting he seems to want to be his sons BFF and his former wife's enforcer.  The responses here were not what you expected but that does not make them uncaring.

Merry's picture

Learning, I hope you do come back to read these messages. There are kind, maybe blunt, people here who have taken their time to give you a perspective that maybe you hadn't considered. No one was being unkind.

Here's where I had the strongest reaction: son has 2 more years before he heads out....and there is not looking like any chance we can get married before unless son has an about face....and my guy is afraid to push because son has already threatened to go live with mom and he doesn't want to miss out on last 2 years with son.....

His son IS dictating when you can get married, and it conflicts directly with the plans that you and your BF have for adopting a child. The son IS holding your BF hostage due to his threat of moving in with his Mom. (And so what if he does -- is she an unfit parent?) And your BF is allowing it, and he allows his son to be disrespectful to you in other ways as well. He should be embarrassed by his son's actions, not reinforce them.

So let's say you do wait two years. Something else will come up -- the daughter will get married, or pregnant, or the son wants to take a "pause" year, so your two years turns into three years, turns into four years, and pretty soon your own child is in kindergarten and you're still not married or living with your partner. That might be extreme, but it's not completely divorced from reality.

I promise you, getting the kids into college does NOT stop the drama. It never stops with HCBMs and manipulative offspring. In fact sometimes it heats up when the kids become adults.

failuretolaunch's picture

I've not read the responses but sounds like a lot and you could stick out the next 2 years but what if the son decides to change his mind and not go to college.

I picked up on the fact that you bookedyour surgery when the son wasn't there so he could help. Why would an adult(ish) teen require so much attention that the dad can't help you after surgery and why wouldn't the son understand you've just had surgery and need help.

The BM also needs sorting out too, she can do one but, forgive me if I'm wrong it doesn't seem like the dad stands up to her and just tells her how it is.

The problem people think when they divorce is that the relationship is over but it never is, at least not until 18+ minimum, there is always $hit to deal with.

The dad needs to realise that although he has children, they are now adults and need to look after themselves. He can be there, he can be supportive but he has YOU and potentially another child to look after that will need him more, he's put in the time now and that's what raising kids is all about, creating functioning and independent adults. There is always drama, mine with the ex is slwoly going away but that's also because I am now after 10+ years deciding I am out.

The fact that the son doesn't eat with you would be a massive problem for me. If I was the dad I would tel my son to have a bit of respect and he doesn't get to treat anyone in such a disrespectful manner. As I've learned, it's alright to say you just don't like them and you just don't want them around. They are not your kids after all and it sounds like they will never appreciate you, so screw them.

There are plenty of fish in the sea and if you can't deal with all this crap, coz it aint going to go away, but hopefully get easier. Leave now and don't look back.

Harry's picture

OP. Asked for advice, She paints a dysfunctional relationship.  SS and the EX having a major say in there life.  She gets true answers.  But doesn't like them. And complain about what people are telling her.???

I personally think she should ask SS and The EX for advices.  She may like there advice better ???  
How do you spell. BIG RED FLAG 

Movingonisbest's picture

for the record we do not live together yet....these have been efforts to let the kids get to know me....not his kids running his house....just being understanding that this is hard for them as they have no control over the situation....

I realize original poster may have left the board but this statement right here is total bs. Her bf's DD is in college and his son is almost an adult. Wtf is hard about understanding relationships don't always work out and people move on? The parents broke up for a reason. Why not love your parents enough to want them to be happy, even if it's with someone else???? Original poster's soon to be SS sounds like he is a total piece of sh-t. 

he has been working with a respected family therapist....and I have been working with a therapist of my own.....and nobody on any side has come close to saying what has been said here....

So you and your bf are in therapy??? What about SS and BM???? Smh. You two have only been together 2 years, which should still be the honeymoon phase, yet are already in therapy???  Why didn't he fix these issues prior to getting involved with you??? Do you really want to spend your time and energy in therapy for an issue that really has nothing to do with you?? I know I sure as hell wouldn't be doing that. Perhaps you should tell your bf to go find his balls and tell his son if he can't respect him, you, and the relationship he can gtfoh with the bs. If that means going to live with BM, then bye-bye. What's so hard about that?

Kaylee's picture

The OP painted s picture of gross dysfunction:

SS is rude,ignorant and completely disrespectful

Her BF is an weak, enabling parent who doesn't pull his son up for his bad behaviour 

The BF's ex wife, along with the son, is dictating the OP and her partners life and plans

And almost the worst thing she has revealed? That they are both in therapy with therapists who apparently think all this is perfectly fine, and that these ADULT children need umpteen years to "adjust" !!!

Rags's picture

Each increasingly entitled generation is feeding on itself.  They engage pseudoscience morons who are incapable of delivering solutions and instead push the "can't everyone just get along" bullshit.

Never forget that therapists and lawyers work for you.  If they do not deliver to your expectations, fire them and hire one that will deliver.

nappisan's picture

see you in 2 years

i agree with all the above. I would recommend in reading over your post again.  This forum is based on experiences of our lives and i wish i had all this advice years ago before i was dragged through the swamp of disfunction.   OP has blinkers on unfortunately ,, regardles of what step parenting forum she visits , she will get the same responses.