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New day, lovely atmosphere

Katie2508's picture

Thought I would finish the weekend with a super great ending. SD6 has just spit on our floor. For no reason. Anyone else experience such disrespect..?  

SecondGeneration's picture

Ok, so daddy dearest needs to hand SD a cloth and some water for her to clean the floor. 

Katie2508's picture

Not sure what he did but I know it's utterly disgusting.

Katie2508's picture

Yeah so basically just shouted. And said it will never happen in our house again. But it will. I know it. I say that mainly because I've watched them climb my sofas time after time after time..

lieutenant_dad's picture

I'd go in her room and start removing everything except the mattress and sheets. She can earn back every creature comfort she owns, and your DH can deal with you being mad at him until she earns every bit of it back. If he doesn't like it, remind him where the door is and that he already had an opportunity to address it. He failed, and you're stepping in as it's YOUR home, too.

Rags's picture

Grrrr.  Time for this nasty spawn to clean up her spit with her tongue.  In my parents home that nasty crotch turd wouldn't sit for a month her ass would be so tender from spanking m.
