New Here and not sure where to begin
I am a mess right now. The past three years have been pure hell. I really dislike my SD's from my marriage. They aren't really bad kids, but they treat their mom so terrible and I stand up for her and my wife feels like all I have done is push them away. A little backstory. Their father is a textbook narcissist with sociopathic tendencies. He has a girlfriend who is pure evil and has done everything to poison my SD against their mother and eventually me, after I came into the picture. My wife always felt like she had to "make up" for who their dad was and so she bought them stuff, never made them do chores, and never set boundaries becuase she didn't want to be a dick, like their dad. That is part of the problem. She is aware that she created two entitled monsters who have no repsect for her. They never help out around the house, they treat any attempts at setting rules as suggestions, and whenever I would get frustrated and try to set some rules, my wife would push back and not do anything. She said it was easier to just buy them whatever they wanted, get them whatever they wanted, and let them "be theirselves" at our house. her mom and sister yellled at her for years for doing that and so it has always been a particularly sore subject. Last year, my wife went to court to force her ex to pay child support. The night before the hearig, he filed a motion suing for custody and placement, looking to cut my wife out of her kids lives forever. We learned a painful lesson that the judicial and family court system do a terrible job when it comes to understanding the level of emotional abuse in play when one parent engages in narcissistic abuse. We ended on the wrong side and lost placement and since then, I have watched my SD change and start acting like their dad and his girlfriend, and I won't allow them to do that to their mom. They have no idea what they are doing to their mom. Their dad and his girlfriend have completely brainwashed them and they both talk like them, yet claim no one ever talks about us over there. I didn't think it was possible to hate kids, but I hate them.I love their mother I hate them because their dad is using them to destroy my whatever is left of my wife. They now discount everything they were ever told about their dad and claim my wife is making it all up, I understand they are essentially prisoners who have to toe the line or they feel their dad's narcissistic wrath. I watch them gaslight their mom and I hate them for it. I also hate that we lost court becuase the older sd, wouldn't attend summer school, which was required, and when she didn't go, the court decided that my wife was an unfit mother because she couldn't get her daughter to school. My oldest SD had undiagnosed ADHD, anxiety, and depression, and BD would never let my wife get her tested. he then used her academic struggles against my wife in court. She conveniently forgot that all she had to do was attend summer school and she wouldn't do it and then on top of it blames my wife for her parents getting divorced. Their father picked my wife up and slammed her on the ground, cracking her skull wide open, and now both girls say they don't believe us and further gaslight their mom. I was bringing them home from school and they accussed me of loving their mom more then them and i said yes, I love your mom more than I love you guys, that is how this works. I know I have completely ruined whatever relationship might have been possible with them. I know they don't understand what is going on but I never thought being a stepparent would be like this. I love my wife, I can't stand her kids, they are selfish, entittled, and don't have any respect for their mom. I have been treated like a doormat, who is expected to do whatever they want. My wife now realizes this was a mistake and she should never have allowed them to treat me the way they did. I feel like I am close to losing my marriage because my wife feels like I am the reason why we lost court, because I treated the girls like a burden and pushed them away. We lost court becuase the oldest SD didn't go to summer school and neighter SD had anything negative to say about their dad, even though neither of them could stand going there. I have spent the past 5 years killing myself for my wife and SD and I feel so angry at how I did everything their BD didn't and was still brushed aside and treated like shit. I feel like crying as I write this because it feels like my life is falling apart and I am watching my wife go slowly insane from this.
Hi there, I too am living
Hi there, I too am living with my partner I adore who "co-parents" with a narcissistic and vindictive ex who has spent years manipulating and brainwashing their 2 daughters against him (ages 18 and 17) the eldest has not made contact or seen her dad for nearly 3 years now which is heartbreaking. The youngest comes to stay every other Thursday and every other weekend. We have been together 3 years (I think I was the final nail in the already fragile relationship between my partner and his eldest daughter) BM has 0 respect for boundaries or feelings and is the most mentally unhinged person I have ever had the misfortune of knowing. The 17 year old is rude, lazy and massively disrespects her dad when she's here. She has made no effort to be part of this family (I have 3 grown children who are very kind, respectful and loving of both me and their dad)
It's got to the point where I genuinely don't see what good comes out of the youngest daughter's visits. When she does engage with her dad, it's just venomous, nasty comments about what a s**t parent he is, doesn't support her or her sister, blah blah (BM's vile and toxic influence) my partner is the most caring and thoughtful man (maybe too much in this instance!) and I find myself hating what these 3 women are doing. I dread her coming over and feel so desperately sorry for my partner that he has been made to be the villain who is clearly despised by these people.
I don't have any answers but saw your post and it resignated with me. I hate what this is doing to our relationship and to my partner and if there are any BM's reading this, just know that the damage you can potentially cause by being bitter, nasty and vindictive towards the parent of your children has catastrophic consequences and in the long run damages their wellbeing so, so much. It's the lowest of lows to sabotage parental relationships because YOU are a complete narcassist with no care for anyone but yourself.
I can only hope these daughter's one day see the light but it doesn't look positive.
Thank you
I am sorry for what you are going through. It is terrible and I would imagine feeling helpless. My wife was supposed to have a 2 hour visitation with them and we had to cut that off because it was just toxic and triggering. On top of everything else, the 2 stepkids still want us to pay for everything. When we ask why doesn't their dad, they reply, "daddy has bills to pay and doesn't have any money". This is one of the emotional manipulations he and his partner use.
It is sad watching someone you love be destroyed by their kids. My thoughts are with you.
the final nail
I also feel like me getting together with my wife is what lead to our current situation. If I had not met her, she would likely still have primary placement of her kids. This happened because the BD is so insecure he couldn't fathom the idea of his kids being around another male figure. I am so sorry for what you are going through, as I said in my other response.
Im so sorry you are going through this!
Also very sorry your wife is going through this. Its extremely difficult to watch.
Its got a name too. Its called Parental Alienation Syndrome. Its sort of rare to read stories on here of a bio mother losing custody, as courts being definitely broken, they are typically more in favor of bio mother. Parental Alienation is definitely a real thing, but not currenty recognized in any legal sense. You are not going crazy, the bio father is gaslighting.
So, theres a lot going on here, and youve tried to encapsulate several years into one post. Well, Steptalk is great for venting as well as gaining insight and advice.
Firstly, I would suggest therapy for your wife. As you rightly noted, your marriage to her and HER is your #1. Priority. Dont let the Toxic Skids try to derail you. The minor children are the parents top responsibility, but they need a solid foundation of you two being strong together, and that means the primary relationship needs to be prioritised. The Toxic Spawn Children have 2 parents and you and the Evil GF are not them.
Secondly I would suggest that you disengage. Your wife is not doing her children any favors by HER decision to not parent these Toxic Spawn Children. Now she is reaping from it. And apparently its a bitter harvest. I see it here with Feral Forger SD24. They do not get better over time, they get worse. By disengaging, you stop doing for them, and you stop being the emotional dumpster. When wife complains about Toxic Spawn Children "hmmmm? Bummer, wow, what do you want for dinner?" Like that.
And you do not supply them with anything. Cut off the $$$$$$$. Because your wife created this situation, doesnt mean you have to be anyones doormat. Taking yourself out of the parental equation will take off a LOT of pressure.