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New school year...NO information!

ShadowCatTx's picture

BM has a history of moving schools, SD7 has been to five schools in her brief start to education...

Kinder & 1st grade, we never received ANY information about the school. It was actually the grandma who messed up and let slip the principals name so we could google investigate the school and teachers...and then DH scheduled his own appointments to get his information added to her file!

I know this is absolutely against DH rights as a father...

DH typed up an email requesting BM inform him of SD7s teacher name (or if she was moving schools because BM moved across town this summer), and we have received nothing!

Luckily SD7 has learned that if she wants Daddy to be at "Breakfast for Dad's" or her school performances it is her responsibility to remember names/dates/times so her father can actively be involved in her education!

Ok so that's my vent, but what can we do about it? Document? Show a judge that for SDs entire education BM has tried to alienate DH?!

It's so frustrating because the term "same old shit" is common when it comes to dealing with BM! She will blow up DH email with questions & concerns but she just "ignores" his request to know what school his daughter will be attending!!! CRAZINESS!!!!!!

Help! :?

ShadowCatTx's picture

We do have current address, and the CO says she needs to include education, medical, and well-being to DH already! Does she listen?'s all about control, control, control!!!

Stepmom09's picture

File Contempt then request that SD 7 is in the school you are zoned for if you don't move as much as BM or try to have it put in there that neither parent can change the childs school with out the other consent.

notarelative's picture

There are ways to find out.

SD should be able to tell him her teacher's name. Google the schools in the area. The sites most often have a list of teacher's names for each grade. DH can then go to the school and have them add him to the parent contact email list.

If he cant find the information online, DH had his information added to her file, so after school has started he can ask the last school where they sent the records. New schools always ask for records.

notarelative's picture

Many times records requests are only made after the child is actually at the school. In areas of high mobility children are often registered before school starts and then move again. Schools in these areas may only request records after the child arrives.

DH can try calling the old school and asking, but he may have to wait until after school has started to find out if he has to rely on the school.

Plus there is no guarantee that BM actually registered her for the new school yet. Schools often have lines of parents and children registering on day one.

still learning's picture

Dad did provide. Dad had the school send reports directly to BM. That's lame, I hope it's dismissed and she has to pay all court costs.

notsurehowtodeal's picture

Perhaps the school is not familiar with this Federal law:

FERPA gives custodial and noncustodial parents alike certain rights with respect to their children's education records, unless a school is provided with evidence that there is a court order or State law that specifically provides to the contrary. Otherwise, both custodial and noncustodial parents have the right to access their children's education records, the right to seek to have the records amended, the right to consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information from the records (except in certain circumstances specified in the FERPA regulations, some of which are discussed below), and the right to file a complaint with the Department. When a student reaches 18 years of age or attends a postsecondary institution, he or she becomes an "eligible student," and all rights under FERPA transfer from the parent to the student. The term "education records" is defined as those records that contain information directly related to a student and which are maintained by an educational agency or institution or by a party acting for the agency or institution.

FERPA does not apply to the below - but this info can be accessed in other ways:

A school is not generally required by FERPA to provide a parent with access to school calendars or general notices such as announcements of parent-teacher meetings or extra-curricular activities. That type of information is not generally directly related to an individual student and, therefore, does not meet the definition of an education record.

Under FERPA, a school is not required to provide information that is not maintained or to create education records in response to a parent's request. Accordingly, a school is not required to provide a parent with updates on his or her child's progress in school unless such information already exists in the form of an education record.

ShadowCatTx's picture

DH proactively approached the school last year and had a meeting with the assistant principal & teacher w/o BM knowledge. They needed to know a little back story and we were extremely concerned when SD7 failed 2 reading tests in a row (all around the time BM was moving residences - 3 times )...

SD7 will certainly tell us the school & teacher name, and again we will have to do the foot work to get our information on file...not out of the ordinary with this BM to make things difficult!

I just want to know, or have an ounce of hope, that DHs hard work documenting the multiple CO violations will do anything with a judge. BM has had the judge tell her to stop interfering with DH time with in return she would purposefully leave her house 15 minutes before visitation time to "run errands w/ SD" only to return 25 minutes LATE..with nothing but a slap on the wrists! Who holds BM accountable? No body...that's who! The judge says one thing, we take her back...he gives her another life line!

Merry-go-freaking-round! At what point do I encourage DH to stop the legal fees & drama? Will we ever get custody in TX? Probably not unless BM messes up BIG time!! Sad

We created a documentation bible that we track every single thing that ever happens involving BM. It really is a circus and BM knows she can get away with it!!! It wasn't until we began filming each pickup & drop off did BM start singing a different tune...heaven forbid there be evidence of her contempt!!!!!!

thinkthrice's picture

Hopefully in your area, the contempt charges will be looked at with scrutiny. In my area, the BM WORKS WITH THE FAMILY COURT as her occupation so it was a lost cause. The BM would ALWAYS make a show of "co-parenting" and cooperating with the CO etc. etc. and it worked.

Meanwhile the skids fail school every.friggin.year for the past almost 11 years now and no one at the school administration says a WORD!! Did I mention the BM is a CPS/Foster care worker?

thinkthrice's picture

Yep you'll need to go AROUND the BM. I did this but be prepared if the school district is:

1. small
2. the BM's alma mater

In our case, the BM went around poisoning the waters to anyone and everyone who would listen. The sports coaches, the administrators, the educators, you name it.

Every year was a fight to get information from the school itself even after showing the CO. The school officials would start sending us a copy of the info and the Girhippo would go in and shut the information down to "punish" Chef for something like DARING to give HER CHILD a timeout while on his time.