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Not allowing step-son in our home until he appologizes

Deborah72's picture

Technically, I am only the girlfriend but I have been living with my boyfriend for 1 1/2. His 16 yr old son has no respect for us. He continues to do things that he truly should appologize to me for, i.e., using my cell phone late at night without my permission and then leaving it outside all night; spilling spaghetti sauce on the carpet while we were sleeping and not cleaning it up. His father found it on the carpet the next morning. Anyway, my question is whould it be wrong to have his father tell him he is not allowed to come to our home until he appologizes to me and shows us respect? What if it backfires and he NEVER comes again. He really is a 16 yr old inconsiderate disrespectful boy.

OldTimer's picture

He's 16 years old... HELL YEAH I'd want an apology too!

But him not coming back, well depends on what the courts say about that. Not his decision, and so be it. You know what my DH says all the time...

"If [SS] acted/turned into a punk a$$, disrespecting teen, he can stay with his mom."

There is no way I would put up with lazy bum attitude... no way. At 16 years old, you know well enough the rules, boundaries, and how to clean up after yourself. I mean, spaghetti sauce on the carpet... my SS would be SWEATING and SCRUBBING the carpet all freakin night if he did that ON HIS OWN... he's only 11.

I think his behavior is disrespectful and he should apologize for it. I also think there should be some major consequences for it too.

Wink StepMom

Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...

Deborah72's picture

His dad and I decided that he can't visit with us until he appologizes to me. Thanks SOOOOO much for your advice. I feel much better.

Anne 8102's picture

Had it been me, I'd have told this kid point blank that he is not to borrow MY things without first asking permission and that if he intends to continue coming into MY home, then he must clean up after himself. That's a no-brainer for a kid half his age. It's so hard, as a SM, to know when to speak up and when to let DH handle it. I think when the problem, whatever it may be, affects YOUR belongings, YOUR health, YOUR happiness, YOUR home, YOUR family, then you have just as much right to speak up as the kids' biological parents do. It's your home, too, and you have equal rights there. YOU have the right to protect YOUR belongings in YOUR home. Sorry, I get so mad sometimes! Wink

~ Anne ~

"The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there." ...Anonymous

Deborah72's picture

I did tell him he wasn't allowed to borrow my things and should clean up after himself but he felt that he didn't do ANYTHING wrong and that there was no reason for him to appologize. Big nightmare!

Gwen's picture

I heartily agree with Stepmom and Anne about SMs having the right to speak up. Do it! Respectfully, I'm with Janice on the kicking out issue. The poor behavior sounds like typical teenage behavior to me. It should totally be addressed, but I would never choose the option of telling a child he or she is not welcome in my home unless he or she posed a danger to me or others. There are other disciplinary measures that can send the correct message. Ejecting a child doesn't address poor behavior, doesn't help the child grow and learn. It plants evil seeds. My mother kicked me out when I was 16--the situation was more egregious (and she was not blameless, by any means)--but after having been ejected from a home I would heartily discourage anyone from taking this route unless the situation is intolerable. It took years to repair the damaged relationship with my mother--sad, lost years--and even today the peace is a tentative one. Don't get caught up in the emotion of the moment. Think long-term and be open to constructive solutions. And cherish your family, despite the big and small problems.

I know I don't know the whole story; I only know the little snippet on this blog. I completely respect and empathize the deep pain that being disrespected in your own home causes. My opinion and experiences are offered respectfully, in the hopes of benefiting the teen and the family unit.

Anonymous's picture

However, my SS continues to act with disrespect when he comes to our home. We have told him the rules from day one (a 1 1/2 ago) and it hasn't helped. This time he went too far. His BM and BF agree that he needs to apologize to me before he comes to our home. He is disrespectful towards his father too. When you ask him to do something or try to discipline him he'll tell his BF to shutup! Or he'll say whatever. What other options are there for a kid that WILL NOT listen or says he is 16 and there is no changing him now. Or he's not going to change for anybody. Or you can't change me. So I say that if he can't abide by our rules he can stay home and act like an animal with his BM.

I'm open for suggestions that's why I am writing this.


Deborah72's picture

I thank you for all your advice. However, for 1 1/2 yrs we have told him the rules from day one and he continues to be disrespectful towards us. When his BF tries to discipline him his son tells him to shutup! And says things like, you can't change me and I'm not going to change now. Well, his BM and BF agree he needs to appologize to me for what he did. If not allowing him to come here isn't a good option what else is there? If he wants to continue to act like an animal and not clean up after he spills things nor appologize then he can stay home with his mother.

OldTimer's picture

I believe that this problem is one that will never be simplified with one instance of discipline. I just want to add one thing to my original post...

Since this has been going on for 1 1/2 years, it's pretty clear that you're in a power struggle with this kid. No matter of discipline, and I question if you truly are using the RIGHT discipline since it appears nothing is working, will ever work at this point... in less you can get something of value/interest to him that will get his attention.

Now, before I go further, I would like to ask a few more questions...

Do you criticize him regularly? Do you acknowledge him for any accomplishments, or anything he may find interesting that was challenging for him to do? Do you encourage him or support him in a hobby, sport, or interest?

Why I'm asking is because to truly address an issue, and it's clear to me now that I need a little more info, but I am wondering if he's feeling not only powerless, but unappreciated, not valued or worthy.

Sometimes, when standard approaches don't work, you have to reevaluate the situation- and that means US- the parents. I also wonder if you were to take a positive approach, meaning, implement a full fledge campaign to acknowledge this kid for doing things RIGHT, putting his dishes away, hell- brushing his teeth, helping with the laundry, dishes, saying hello, thank you, etc. whatever simply little gesture you can get out of him for the start- "Why, thank you, SS, that was nice." "SS, fabulous job". And you know, he'll roll his eyes, and maybe even stomp his feet, huff and puff, say "whatever", etc... but the point is, he heard you. You're communicating now. Slowly, but surely, you may even be able to sit down with him and have a conversation and found out why he is so angry. It will not be easy, no. And the truth of the matter is, I can see the point that others make about 'rejecting' a child. I'm on the fence with this, but my DH is very adamant about SS living with his mother if he is such a bear in our home... reason being is because we don't allow this in our home, and if it got to such a point where it was so grossly out of control, disrespectful and disruptive, than we have failed to do our job in the first place. I don't think we will be own the road... oh yes, we will have a few duking it out moments, I'm sure, but that's all teens and all teens push the boundaries.

Hey, Biomom... sadly, the prisoners really DO run the prison... at least in our state they do thanks to the 9th circuit court... Boy, can I tell you stories... it's so sad, it's not about staff safety anymore, it's all about the inmates, their comfort and their needs... and did you know that they have more rights and privileges than we do as citizens? It's a sad sad sad state of affairs, I'm afraid, and it's about to get worse.

Wink StepMom

Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...

Anne 8102's picture

We're sitting here trying to come up with ways to discipline a 16 year old child, but really, the discipline should've come in during infancy. He's at the age now where strategies we'd use on younger children, or on children who have progressed with us through the years to this point, will not work. Maybe it would help to approach it the way you would approach a poor relationship with another adult. What's his currency? What does he value? At this age, it almost has to be about positive reinforcement rather than punishment, because that just drives them away. Of course, there have to be consequences for actions, but there's got to be a way to make bad behavior less desirable.

I don't know... "You're almost an adult and maybe it's time we started treating you more as an adult, rather than as a child. Here's what we expect from adults who visit our home..." That kind of thing. He's probably developing quite an ego at this age, too. Like StepMom says, stroking it may help get his attention in a positive way.

~ Anne ~

"Love, having no geography, knows no boundaries."
(Truman Capote)

Sebbie's picture

Lovers do not finally meet somewhere, they were with each other all along.

This is what came from about 2 weeks of my encroaching on my bd's(now 19)room and things.For some time my daughter thought she could just use my things without asking, make messes without cleaning up, come and go as she wished,ect. ect. So I started doing the same things to her. I took her stereo and moved it to my room to listen to it, I would go take some of her makeup and not return(making her come to me looking for it) I would see her pulling in from being off somewhere and I would run to her room and get on her computer, be looking in her closet, taking a pair of socks out of her drawers(just having a reason to be in her room going through her things without permission). After enough of her griping about me doing the things I was doing, envading her privacy, using her things, we(her and I ) sat down and drew up a list of What she wanted from me and what I wanted from her, For each item she listed, I listed one that I wanted and we agreed that in order for her to get what she wanted, she had to give me what I wanted in return...our list ended up being a total of 18 items from each of us, and then we signed and made a copy for each of us to keep...A formal agreement if you will. For each item that she overstep her boundaries with me agian, that meant I could overstep in return my corresponding item..ex: She took my makeup without returning it, I would do the same to her. If something of mine got damaged or lost, oops, so did something of her's. If she had been in my room without permission, well then I would hanging out in her's for whatever reason as well...It didnt take long in our home for established boundaries regarding cleaning, privacy or the like to come into effect. Just a different route you might like to try as well. Rememeber, from 16 and up, teenagers are trying to become adults and inso believe they can do things the way they want without regard to others...In drawing up a contract with the teenager, you are recognizing their growing up and at the same time having them recognize your rights as an adult in the home as well.

Gwen's picture

I love this approach! I am adding that to my arsenal.

Deborah72's picture

I thank all of you for your advice. However...

I just spoke with my boyfriend and he is only picking up his daughter and a friend to bring to the house for the weekend. He said his son "is stubborn" and doesn't want to appologize.

My opinion though, my SS is beyond any disciplining. He can get away with whatever he wants at his BM house. At the end of last years school my SS was expelled for a week for fighting (he says he didn't start it). My boyfriend told his ex to take away his phone for the week. She didn't! So we know where the problem also lies. My boyfriend and his ex are on the same page as me, my SS is not to come to our house until he appologizes. I'm sorry but I can't allow him to come here and act like an animal.

Since being with my boyfriend I've noticed that it is very difficult to just talk to the kids about everyday going ons because every other word out of my SS mouth is sarcastic. He really doensn't know how to have an adult conversation. Last night I asked my boyfriend why he doesn't call his kids between every other weekend visits and he said to me "they don't call me". I said but your the parent. You're supposed to call them. I also asked him why he is waiting until the last minute to find out whether or not his son is coming for the weekend. I was livid! I mean I had anxiety for two days wondering if my SS was going to come this weekend. I said to my boyfriend, you don't bother calling to find out until Saturday when you are supposed to pick them up whether he is going to come or not????!!! Your son is going to think it is a joke. You can't wait until the last minute. That isn't being a parent. When I was growing up I lived with my mom and stepfather. I spoke with my dad every other day! In the end my boyfriend agreed with me and said he will work on calling them more.

As Step Mom says to try positive reenforsement, I just don't think it would work either. Awhile back we tried this approach: everytime they come to our home we would give them $10 in singles. When they talked back or misbehaved in anyway we thought wasn't reasonable behavor we would take a dollar back (we were smart about when to take a dollar back). Well, my SS flipped out and said, "you can't bribe me with money." His daughter who is 12 loved the idea. We did it for awhile but it slowly faded away.

There is no possitive reenforsement in my SS life because he stays in his room and plays xbox all the TIME! Or he hangs out with his cousin who is 18 and drinks and smokes cigarrettes. My SS is 16 without a job! I just don't get kids today.

I don't know where this is going to leave everything, my SS not coming for the weekend. I do know it is important that my boyfriend call his kids during the weeks he doesn't see them but I can't make him call. Again, I truly believe it is a lost cause with him unless his father jumps in, fast, and talks to him every other day to find out what is going on in my SS life. I just don't know what else to do. I can't do anything. My SS will have to find a way, with his parents help, to get past this.

I also want all of you to know that my boyfriend is on the same page with me. He agrees that his son needs to appologize to me.

Well, thanks for listening and I really appreciate everybodies advice.