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Not sure if this is the life I want

tryingpatience's picture

My DH is a good guy but he works a lot and we don't get to do things together that often. When we were first dating we spent a lot of time together b/c he was still living with his mom and he didn't need to pay any bills. Now that we're married he works a lot to pay bills and when he works the weekends for us to have skids, I have to watch them. I guess if all his working gave us a night out to the theater or a vacation weekend away it might help, but that's not the case. He will throw me $40 or $60 and most of the time I'm spending that on taking the skids out to eat. Recently, he went away for the weekend with the guys and made plans with his son when he returned home, then went to work. We haven't been married for that long (only 15 mos.) and I'm feeling like my needs aren't being met. I'm starting to resent him and wonder if there's something else out there for me. I do not have any bio children of my own and he doesn't want anymore children. I might also add that he is "fixed" and estranged from four other children from previous marriages. Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks!

pizzapie's picture

Estranged from 4 other children from previous marriages... this spells trouble. And how many kids is he not estranged from that you're watching all the time? Good thing this guy got fixed, because he sure doesn't seem to know how to put on a rubber. Are you ok with the fact that he has all these children, but now cannot provide you with your own bio children if you someday want a child? This doesn't sound like a life that anyone would want. Free of bio children means you are free. If you're barely seeing the man you married and putting up with his crap constantly, is it worth it? Sadly, love does not always equal happiness, as the fairy tales tell us.

Bface's picture

OMG, I've been the babysitter to SD as a wife,and it's no way to live even if you're being thrown a bone now and then! My SD from second marriage is trying to do it to me as a Step Grandmother and I refuse to be walked on...all we hear is poor me, I'm a single mom. She finds plenty of time to party! I felt I had to forgo my hopes for a child because I thought a child needed two parents and resources...It was her choice to let herself get pregnant and have the baby, now be a parent!

monkeyboy2030's picture

RUN! End this life of disappointment. Certainly your needs are not being met, and there is always something better out there - it wouldn't take much to improve on this situation. Did he marry you because he needed a babysitter or because he loved you? I have been stuck in a similar situation so I changed my work schedule so that I would be working when the skids visit - then I couldn't be assigned babysitter.

DaizyDuke's picture

I don't agree with the "run" advice.... when you said your wedding vows, you said for better or for worse, so why does everyone think "run for the hllls" when things get "worse" If you said you were being abused or something that would be different, but you start out by saying DH is a nice guy.

You don't say whether you've discussed your feelings with DH? I also want to defend your DH on a few fronts (again, I'm not sure of the whole story, but this is how I see it with what you've posted here)

As far as working all the time: I have to give him credit for working and wanting to provide for his family. Plan B- He could be a lazy sloth that sits on the couch and drinks beer and expects you to provide for him and Skids. I can also understand how difficult it is when you are working alot to try to fit everybody in i.e. wife, Skids, friends in what limited free time you have. I do agree that you, as wife should come first, BUT I believe your Bio says you have the Skids EOWE and Holidays so I can see where if hubby only sees the Skids 4 days a month that he would want to make the MOST of that time as well.

As far as "watching" the Skids when DH is working? Your bio says they are 17 and 14, now I don't know if they behave like heathens or what, but I can't imagine that they need the kind of "babysitting" that a 4 and 7 year old would need.

As far as his estranged children from other marriages, I am guessing these children are older? In their 20's perhaps? Has he been estranged from them all of their lives or just since they have gotten older? I can see how you would be resentful if you want children of your own, but DH does not.. but then again I am guessing you knew he was "fixed" before you got married?

I'm not trying to pass judgement here, I guess I am just trying to see things from your DH side as I just don't agree with the other posters that he is this horrible man that you need to run from... I am just not getting that.

wriggsy's picture

Tell him! When I first started dating DH, we would make weekend trips to somewhere close...just the two of us. As the years went by...those trips became non-existant. One year, when my birthday was approaching he asked what I wanted. I told him "I want a weekend trip to somewhere we haven't been yet. I want you to plan the whole thing and surprise me". That's what I got. A weekend trip to San Antonio (Texas), where we had a GREAT time. Now...we try to go on a little road trip-just the two of us--every few months...

tryingpatience's picture

Thanks posters, esp. DaisyDuk. DH and I had a long talk and things are better. As for the watching the kids, the 17 y.o. needs rides everywhere and the 14 y.o. is special needs. He needs to be takin care of like a 5 y.o. My husband is learning from his mistakes to respect my time and ask me before assuming that I will be there. The estranged children are grown adults now and it's none of my business what he decides for a relationship. I do not want any bio children of my own since our life is already full and we enjoy our freedom. We also talked about planning a honeymoon sometime in 2011 that we never got to take back in 2009. Things are looking up!

DaizyDuke's picture

Yeah!! Good to hear, again I think your hubby sounds like a decent guy, who just needed a little prod from you to change a few things, so that EVERYONE can be happy Smile