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Oh My God What does it take-Feel Overwhelmed

amishheaven's picture

Well I tried to talk to SO last night it was the start of it. He listened and I did as well. He said that I am his queen that is why I dont have to do anything (cook, clean etc.) I do work outside the home he is retired. So in away I do feel that I shouldnt have to do as much at home but I am willing to help anytime. I told him that the reason I dont feel like I am his queen is because I dont feel emotional connected to him. I told him that I will always feel as if I am second best, so I either had to learn to live with it or move on. I do feel I deserve to have someone love me completely. I dont get it.

amishheaven's picture

Well it just seems like everytime I turn around something with his late wife is coming up in talks or in around the home and He will never say I am the best or anything like that

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Does he still appreciate what you do though, saying thank you and the like? Some men aren't apt to say things like "You're the best"--just not in their nature.

If he's thankful for you, and says things like you're his queen, I feel like that makes up for it. If you feel unloved, is it his actions or his words?

amishheaven's picture

It is alittle of both actions and words it is like I am wrong in how I feel. The thank you part is there sometimes but I just feel like I will always be second best in his heart. I do feel I deserve more.

MyMistake's picture

I also married a widower and know how you feel. Luckily my husband tries very hard to make me feel like I am his only love...just sometimes its so over the top I feel like he is not being sincere or he is forcing it because he is afraid I will leave. If you are not married maybe you should really search your heart on this one. No need to rush if you don't feel emotionally connected, ya know?