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OMG! So sick of it! sorry profanity

DaizyDuke's picture

I know, I know it's been said a bazillion times here, but I just need to vent or am seriously going to blow a gasket....

So I just call DH to ask him a question and while we are chatting I ask him what he's up to... "Oh just picking up SS" WTmotherF? I'm sure this was NOT a last minute thing, I'm sure it's been planned since at least last night since little precious didn't have school today I'm sure BM needed a sitter... so why the fuck can't DH get it through his thick dumb ass self centered head that a heads up that SS is spending the night would be respectful since I do live here too!!!

Oh no, just do your little behind the scenes plans with Miss Precious because I'm chopped liver. sometimes I hate my DH, and my life. If it weren't for my precious little son I would probably be long gone....

on the fence's picture

And you have a ds too? Yep, leave and you will become a BM and and XW and you can then share possession of his nuts with BM1. Seems like you get more attention and respect that way.

Seriously, though- that really sucks and I would be mad as hell, too! He needs to communicate this stuff to you so you can brace yourself mentally for it!

Oh yes, and maybe because YOU are his wife? Poop head DH!

DaizyDuke's picture

Yep, leave and you will become a BM and and XW and you can then share possession of his nuts with BM1. Seems like you get more attention and respect that way.

you hit the nail on the head!

tofurkey's picture

There is seriously nothing more frustrating than having something like this sprung on you, especially when it's obvious there was prior knowledge of it on the other end! When DH and I were first together, he would pull this shit on me alllllll the time. We would plan a great night together and then all of a sudden BM would call up wanting a babysitter out of the blue and he would jump to yes every single time. No matter what we had planned. Or even if it was just going to be a quiet night together the two of us. Then he wouldn't understand WHY i would get pissed off. Seriously? Yes, my perfect night comprised of seeing BM's nasty face, picking up SD, dragging her back to our house, sitting there watching cartoons all night, listen to her throw tantrums and act like a brat and try not to puke while you coddle her the whole time for her shitty behavior. DH would just get pissed and deffensive when he saw I wasn't doing kartwheels when these surprise skid visits happened and would always snap back with "She's MY F'ING DAUGHTER! What am I supposed to do?! NOT take her? You are being selfish!" Yeah buddy, that whole not taking her part because it's NOT your weekend and not bowing down to BM's every whim, what a novel idea!

DaizyDuke's picture

sounds exactly like my DH, I get the "He's my son, what do you want me to do?" and the times when he does tell me that we are going to have him, sometimes he'll say (dripping with sarcasm) "Oh, don't sound so excited" Ok, so what do you want me to do?

Clap, my hands and shout with glee that:

A. You are going to have SS11 shoved up your ass to the point that we can't have an adult conversation without him hovering around the corner.

B. That he'll eat every friggin scrap of food in the house that he can get his not washed since the last time he took a shower hands on

C. That he'll dirty as many dishes as he feels like dirtying because he'll never lift a finger to wash them (after all that might make his hands clean!!)

D. That he'll open 12 bottles of water, take 2 sips and leave the 1/2 drank bottles all over the living room or wherever he has landed his lazy ass.

E. That I am going to feel like a stranger in my own house, because he'll take over the living room, watching endless hours of stupid MTV nonsense or cartoons.

Sorry, I'm just not THAT excited...

DaizyDuke's picture

Trust me Spunki, that is the plan... me and our son will be going elsewhere. Sometimes I think that DH knows that if I know SS is going to be there that I will make plans to go someplace else.... so that is why he doesn't tell me.