Only one more gift to go!!!!!!
Woo hoo!!! Finished my major Christmas shopping today during lunch. The major gift for my amazing bride is done. Just an espresso machine left and I can put a fork in my holiday shopping.
We still have not decided on a gift for the Skid yet. He has no needs, his opinion not mine, and all he wants is a PS-4 which will not be coming from his mom and me. When he told me that was all he wanted he immediately followed that information with “but, I know you and mom will not help me rot my brain”. I confirmed that to be true. We ordered a huge holiday feast to be delivered to the SKid's house on the 24th since he cannot get off of work to join any of the family and will give him his gift when we figure out what it will be. I am thinking 5 day cruise out of a port a few hours from his duty station. We can get it for a few $hundrd which considering we did not do gifts for any of my family this year is very reasonable. My family only does gifts when we are together for the holidays. It just keeps things simple that way.
All of my ILs were taken care of on-line. Have I commented on how much I love on-line extended family gift shopping? Even better … my bride did all of the shopping for extended family!!! Woo hoo!!!!
Merry Christmas gang!!! And for those who favor another holiday this season, Happy Holidays!!!!
Congrats on not rotting out
Congrats on not rotting out his brain. I told my son13 I would never buy him a gaming system. He found a ps2 at a garage sale WITH games for $20. Then he saved up money and GameStop gift cards and bought a ps3. Rascal. BUT, it's useful as a discipline tool. AND he really has learned a lot from some of those games. We homeschool, so I know what I teach them. When I ask, "Where did you learn that?" when he states a random fact, he says from playing video/computer games. It's a double edged sword. I mean, I probably wouldn't have to use it as a discipline tool if he listened to me the first time, and he would probably listen to me the first time if he wasn't on his ps3...
Merry Christmas!