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O/T - Anyone have Resolutions or Goals for 2011?

skylarksms's picture

Since tomorrow is New Year's Eve and it looks like we are going to be blizzarded in for the New Year in my neck of the woods, I starting thinking of goals for the new year. I prefer "goals" to "resolutions" because I have a better time meeting my goals!

1. Get debt-free except student loans (last credit card payment in Jan. last car payment in April!!)

2. See my family more often. Especially my parents.

3. Reconnect with friends that I haven't talked to in a long time.

4. Marriage counseling or find my own place!

5. Get my A+ Certification finally! I've been in IT for over 4 years already - it's about time!

6. Add more fitness to my everyday activities, including walking and yoga for relaxation.

Anyone else wish to share?

mom2five's picture

I'm working on mine. I want to rethink/update my personal mission statement first. Then, create goals based on that. I just need to find some quiet time to work on it.

Asher10's picture

My major goal will be to finish all the paintings I started but never finished.
Organize my art room.
Get a new catalog system for my brushed and supplies
Shave my legs more often in the winter
Get out of my pajamas every day regardless of my work at home status.
Stop wishing for SD to drop off the planet.

Moon Child Step Mom's picture

Those are AWESOME goals skylark… looks like you’re in for a physical, mental, emotional and financial upswing in 2011!!! I really think this is going to be a better year for everybody… I have a thing about having better “Odd” numbered years as apposed to Even ones… it’s pretty silly and probably just a mental block, but it seems to be true.

My going goal list includes…

1) Having health insurance for the first time in almost TWO YEARS!!! And I’m gonna get everything checked out… top to bottom! I’m pretty sure I still have some residual lung butter floating around from the flu I had three months ago and never got an antibiotic for.

2) Not being so hard on myself for not being a “perfect” stepparent. I’ve spent the last two years killing myself instead of going with the natural flow of things… I’m not in competition with anyone, so I’m going to stop behaving like I am.

3) Learning to get around in the area I live in! It will be two years this August that I’ve been living in NC and I still only know how to get to the shopping plaza and to work by myself without the aid of MapQuest or written directions. Again… with the mental block…

4) Start making some friends here!!! I still only have a passing acquaintance with a few people in my new state. (Mother Russia’s the only person I’ve been “out” with since I moved here!) I miss “girls nights” and just hanging out with someone I can laugh with and complain too… besides you guys that is!