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OT story, kinda, RICHARD GERE is a daddy again

Thumper's picture

New Flash. Richard Gere age 70 (yikes) just became a new daddy. ITS A Bouncing baby BOY

His current wife, Alejandra Silva is 37. They already have a 14month old boy

SHE also has another son with her ex, Govind Frieland.

Gere also has a 20year old son from another marriage.

70 years old is a little much...

Just wanted to share. Thats all.


Thumper's picture

I agree.

He is now strapped during his golden years.


Rags's picture

  His estimated 2020 new worth is $120Mil.  I am sure he can afford to breed as often as he likes.  Though at his age I'm sure no one is paying him a stud fee.  Though buying a bride certainly does not reflect the presence of quality character either in the purchased or the purchaser and leaving young kids without a father when geriatric breeders kick the bucket is not how I would choose to be a father.

One of my New Cadets (15) my Jr. year of HS had a StepFather who was in his 80s.  His mom was 34 and SF and mom had a 6yo son together.  She divorced him when he cheated on her several years after that and he passed when their son was about 11yo.

SteppedOut's picture

That is terrible. I had my youngest at 39.5 and I worry I will be "old" too early in his life. 70? That's terrible. 

Kes's picture

I've never been in favour of people old enough to be grandparents, having babies.  To me it's a violation of the proper life stage behaviour.  How will his son or daughter feel when they are 20 having a 90 yr old father - if he lives that long?  

Exjuliemccoy's picture

always bother me. It's such a completely selfish thing to do. 

My father was sixty-five when I was born, too old to be a properly involved parent. He was often ill, and I spent far too much time in doctors' offices and hospital waiting rooms. He died when I was only twelve. I remember seeing him laying in a casket and freaking out because he had lipstick and rouge on. Great memory, right? He wasn't there to teach me how to drive, see me go to prom, or walk me down the aisle. I never got to have grandparents, either. What a ripoff.

Kids deserve to have parents who are vigorous and able to engage fully with them. By choosing to be a geriatric dad, Richard Gere is choosing to be okay with depriving his kids of the security and stability that comes from having both parents in their life. No amount of money can make up for that.

shamds's picture

And how dare they become parents in their elderly years, michael douglas (56) and catherine zeta jones(31) when they married is another couple with a big 25 yr age gap and michael Douglas was 56 when their 1st child was born and 59 with the 2nd. He also had throat cancer at 66yrs old when his younger kids would have been 7 & 10... 

i think the bigger question is why do people care so much that they are having kids so later in life because this doesn’t affect you and how you go about your day?? These kids will have access to quality education and i think if people here wanna shame elderly parents, its hard enough someone like michael douglas dealing with throat cancer and chemo but to now have people online shame him and go “its your fault for stupidly having kids at that age” and that he’s a geriatric parent...

my dad was 47 when my brother was born and 48.5 when i was born. My parents tried to get pregnant and it took my mum 7 yrs before she could. 

Sarcastically, its nice to see some here saying these people need to prove their virility. There is nothing about, “hey i met a great person, i love her and having kids with her is just a normal progression of the relationship”... plus these women know their men may not have the stamina as a 20-30 something yr old but lets face it!!! There are plenty of shitty younger dads who don’t even provide for their family...

SubstituteMommy's picture

I agree with all of this. In the case of Catherine Zeta Jones and Michael Douglas... her right to become a mother shouldn't be taken away because she fell in love with a much older man. Many men marry younger women and have children late in life. They're not hurting anyone and I highly doubt that their children will resent being born.

tog redux's picture

It's not about their virility, it's that they want young, trophy wives, and those young trophy wives want children.

I suppose the kids will be filthy rich, but they won't have their father around for many life events, unless he's one of those people who stays functional and relatively youthful into his 90s. Even then, unless the kid gets married at 20, dad probably won't be there.


Thumper's picture

About Michael Douglas---I would not , well you know.

Nothing attractive about him.