Our first anniversary weekend...
He told his kids he would't be getting them this weekend(supposed to be every other.BM even tried to dump them off at the hospital the weekend my DH and an emergency angiogram!)The oldest married and the one that punched me and sends the hate mail, is insisting he go to her house 3 hrs away and do work on her house.He said he couldn't anniversary weekend and ww3 broke out and now she and her kids are comming into town coincidence?LOL,don't think so.He is so naive.How do I handle this?Our first weekend alone.When we tried a honeymoon weekend( since we had none)She called with a fake emergency and we had to leave and run to her house after the first day.She had been blowing up the cell after she found out we left anyway,might as well go.
I can't bear to have this weekend ruined,fights,incessant cell phone etc.ANY IDEAS?
Its the step daughter that is comming in this weekend
and she will conviently pull the come see the grand babies when she knows full well that he could't go to her house because its our weekend.
Had a fabulous 1st anniversary.Quiet and fun
Took you alls advice ,I cannot thank you enough!I remember why we got married. thanks!