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parents sleeping with children?

new evil stepmom's picture

Tell me if you think it is weird for a father to sleep with his daughter of 13?

I stopped back in at home this morning before I went to work and my husband was in daughter's bed with her. I don't know that he has ever done this before, I know he used to sleep w/her when she was younger and his ex-wife (3rd wife) didn't like it.

Part of me thinks it's not right, but then again mothers and daughters often sleep together - I know my sis and I did sleep with our mom once in awhile up to the age of 15 (I don't remember exact age).

I think it would be different if she went and crawled in with him!

Should I be concerned about this?

happy's picture

I mean its one thing for a mom but a kid to lay with Daddy at 13, strange. Probably totally innocent, but strange. I did not lay by mom but once after that age and that is when I got dumped by this boy in high school, but we had dated for over a year... I think its strange...
"live life to its fullest everyday"

BuggiesMom's picture

Slept with my daughter until she was 7. I finally had to threaten him with CPS to get her in her own bed. She has ALWAYS slept in her own bed at my house and he claimed she wouldn't do it at his....ironically, she does it now! I think that young girls should be aware of boundaries and it is our responsibility as parents to teach them this important thing. I was never close with my father so I never experienced that bond and while you hope him being in her bed is harmless, it is still inappropriate. No matter how you slice it!!!

Hanny's picture

My BF's daughter doesn't sleep with him - that I know of. She has occasionally gotten scared and got in bed with him for a little while (she is almost 13). But she does do some inappropriate things I think, and it does make him feel uncomfortable too. She will rub his leg and rub his stomach, and try to give him massages. I thought it was just when I was around, maybe a jealousy thing, but he says she tries to do it often. It bothers him and he will finally tell her to knock it off kind of kiddingly. He wonders if she does this with her mom's BF who they live with. I would definitely be concerned if I ever found out they were snuggling together in a bed like that. Girls at that age are starting to mature, it's just not right at that age!

Julie30's picture

My SD is 11 and she always used to want to sleep with her dad but I said NO WAY! Sorry, this was back when she was around 7 and I don't think she liked the idea that daddy was giving me attention and going to bed with me. Completely innocent, but lately she keeps sneaking into our bedroom waking him up, complaining she can't sleep - maybe because she is in the routine at her mom's house that she stays up all hours and sleeps all morning. This past weekend she pulled that crap with BF and he went out and layed on another couch until she fell asleep. And the entire next morning he complained about her, not allowing him to get any sleep. The moment her eyes closed he ran and jumped in our bed Smile

As for a father sleeping with his 13 year old - YEP THAT IS ODD! I wouldn't tolerate it. Are you sure he was sleeping with her or was he just talking to her. My son is 12 and sometimes when he is playing on his laptop "MYSPACE" "X-BOX LIVE" I get nosey and will hop in his bed, basically to annoy him so he will get out of the room and play outside. LOL Plus, I ask him questions and try to get him to talk to me about school, what's bothering him, etc. - do you think this could be the issue?

I remember when we were kids my dad would come into ask us something or talk and he would just pass out asleep. Nothing wrong, but he would be talking to us one minute & snoring the next because he worked very hard. But I think it all depends on the issue. Keep us posted

Julie (31)
Bio-Children - Son under 1 with BF, Son age 11 from previous relationship.

BF - Son under 1 our's together, Daughter age 20 from prior marriage, son age 14 & daughter age 10 from previous relationship.

new evil stepmom's picture

they didn't stirr one bit when I entered the room, the dog too - no one woke up. i don't think i will say anything to him just yet, i am going to see if it re-occurs in two weeks when she is with us again.

Julie30's picture

That's a good idea.

Julie (31)
Bio-Children - Son under 1 with BF, Son age 11 from previous relationship.

BF - Son under 1 our's together, Daughter age 20 from prior marriage, son age 14 & daughter age 10 from previous relationship.