A question for the bio moms and dads
I have an SD that is 8,a DS 7 and a DD 3. I am considering having another baby and I'll be 35 this July, my bf will be 38 this year. I was just curious if there are others on this site that had babies at 35 or older. I never even meet my bf until I was 32 and I feel that we're running out of time.
My sister did..
She will be 39 this year and her daughter just turned 2, and she is trying again. Go for it. Everything was ok. She was high risk but not cause her age.
" make sure you tell the people you love most EVERYDAY.. Its important not only for them to know but for you to tell.. Life is to short to be miserable..
If I was 35
I would in a heartbeat. But I'm 42. And I do think that would be much at my age. When I possed this question, many of the ladies here were great. Telling me that even at my age it's do-able. It's up to you.
Best wishes. Jo