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Question of the Day: Why do all our BM's think they are Mother of the Year?

tradingplaces's picture

Seriously. Our BM is a terrible mother who constanly leaves her children with other people to raise, ignores their actual wants and needs, makes constant PAS attempts, etc..yet is ALWAYS trying to tell my DH what to do as "a good parent" if she were some moral authority on parenthood. This seems to be a common theme on these why do these women think they are Mother of the Year??

hismineandours's picture

IDK that my bm thinks that. My mil though along with my fil apparently think she is mother of the year. And that one really stumped me (they are raising ss now per them volunteering for the job-which they get paid for). My mil has one child (my sil) who is out on bond awaiting a hearing on her 12 felony charges of identify theft, forgery, and theft-against my dh-her own brother. She has been a drug addict since late teens. Sleeps with men for drugs. Has many many unpaid debts that she runs and hides from, other petty theft charges, bad checks, etc. Her other kid (my bil) is 32 years old and still lives at home with his dd whom my mil supports. He has no job, no vehicle-and hasnt for years and years. He smokes weed every day. His gf also lives there in the doublewide. He also has a list of assualt, drug charges. In addition, my fil grows weed on the property, sells it and has for like 40 years-which my mil knows all about. My mil refuses to speak to my dh since sil stole from him. Somehow that is his fault and apparently my fault. For real. She is not angry with her dd at all only me and dh. Scratching my head on that one. They dont actually parent my ss-he failed all of his classes last year except gym and computer apps. He was suspended for 2 weeks one time along with multiple day long suspensions. He is on probation. They dont care. In fact my fil commented on how well he had been doing at their home? They get part of dh's va check each month-which I absolutely believe they do spend a portion on ss for food and a few clothes here and there-but they easily pocket 100s of dollars each month I guess to support all the other members of the nonworking household.

My fil actually told me that my mil was a better mother than I'll ever be? Really smh. I have 3 honor roll kids, involved in extracurriculars, never been in a day of trouble there whole life. They are generally polite and respectful-not perfect by any means-but have manners and knwo how to use them. Very active, willingly, in our church. My oldest has a part time job. But, um, yeah-she's a better mother than I am. AMAZING

oldone's picture

I have no clue what BM thinks of her mothering skills. You know God speaks to her in tongues so who know what praises she is tuning in on her God Channel.

It is obvious to the rest of the world how absolutely HORRIBLE both of her sons turned out. Drugs, gangs, alcohol, jail, accessory to murder, etc. Of course she loves to play the victim so I'm sure she doesn't think any of this was her fault. (fyi I don't give DH a free pass either on his parenting of these two pieces of scum).

SMof2Girls's picture

She has the golden uterus. Which means anything that comes out of it is perfect. Which makes her MOTY.

Duh! Blum 3